Political Innovation – coming soon to Edinburgh and Belfast

Reading Time: 2 minutes

A quick note to thank Left Foot Forward for helping us with the Political Innovation essays; see here for more about the project and a list of all the essays so far, with a few more to come in the next few weeks. We would like to invite LFF readers to a couple of events that we’re doing in Edinburgh (13th November) and Belfast (20th November) - both are Saturday get-togethers – details can be found here.

A quick note to thank Left Foot Forward for helping us with the Political Innovation essays; see here for more about the project and a list of all the essays so far, with a few more to come in the next few weeks. We would like to invite LFF readers to a couple of events that we’re doing in Edinburgh (13th November) and Belfast (20th November) – both are Saturday get-togethers – details can be found here.

We’ve already got lots of political bloggers signed up to both events and they’re shaping into a conference/meetup.

The agenda? Well, these are ‘unconference’ events – largely bereft of big-name speakers or tied-down timetables. It’s a good deal more democratic than that, and anyone who hasn’t been to one of these type of conferences is particularly welcome. It’s a very democratic way of organising a day, and one that, ironically, works very well in many circles that don’t prize democratic discourse as much as we politicos claim to.

Check out more details of the Edinburgh event and the Belfast event.

We’re hoping that attendees will pick up a few of the ideas that have been pitched as part of our ongoing essay series that have been cross-posted here on Left Foot Forward, along with The Daily Telegraph and Liberal Democrat Voice.

We’re also hoping for sessions on citizen journalism, hyperlocality, open data and a range of other issues that interest those of us who take an interest in the space where interactive media meets politics. Please come along – tickets are free!

And if that isn’t enough, our hosts are offering lunch and some drinks to end the day off (Edinburgh) and lunch (Belfast). If anyone knows a potential drinks sponsor for Belfast, we’d love to hear from them.

About Political Innovation

We’d be very interested to hear any ideas that you have for an essay of your own –we’ll need an email and we’ll want to discuss it with you before it goes on the site. All contributions will be archived on www.politicalinnovation.org – along with details of what we’re looking for from essayists and a bunch of FAQs and a guide to how we hope the whole thing will play out.

I hope you’ll get involved in this as a commenter, participant or maybe even as an essayist. Make sure you don’t miss anything by joining our Google Group, subscribing to the blog RSS feed, getting each post emailed to you and, of course, following us on Twitter and Facebook.

5 Responses to “Political Innovation – coming soon to Edinburgh and Belfast”

  1. Miljenko Williams

    RT @leftfootfwd: Political Innovation – coming soon to Edinburgh and Belfast: http://bit.ly/dmQNYc by @PICamp

  2. Ben Shoemate

    Political Innovation – coming soon to Edinburgh and Belfast | Left … http://bit.ly/caQn0G

  3. Parky

    Political Innovation – coming soon to Edinburgh and Belfast | Left … http://bit.ly/cqYuK1

  4. Political Innovation

    Left Foot Forward have kindly let us post about Political Innovation – coming soon to Edinburgh and Belfast http://bit.ly/aIaO2y

  5. Dawn Purvis MLA

    RT @PICamp: Left Foot Forward have kindly let us post about Political Innovation – coming soon to Edinburgh and Belfast http://bit.ly/aIaO2y

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