Don’t let climate change slip down the agenda – join the march on December 4th

The National Climate March takes place on the 4th of December - it's the one time in the year we put as many people together as we can to say we need radical action to address the climate emergency, one simple thing we can do. This event doesn’t just happen – people work like crazy to make it happen - all you have to do is turn up, to make their work worthwhile.

Our guest writer is Anton Gijsen Phil Thornhill of the Campaign against Climate Change

Do you remember that thing called ‘climate change’? There was a bit of a fuss about it recently, wasn’t there – that Copenhagen thing – but obviously no need to worry, as its all blown over now. Last year you couldn’t move for NGOs sounding off about it but they all seem to have gone pretty quiet now.

They all said the Copenhagen thing was a failure but that obviously doesn’t matter much. And we’ve got much more important things to worry about now – REAL issues that affect my wallet or pay packet now.

There was all that rhetoric wasn’t there about it being the most important issue of our times with the lives of literally billions at risk.

True, there’s been the odd bit in the news about the warmest year ever, record low Arctic ice volume, droughts and then floods in Niger, record floods in Pakistan, record temperatures, fires and ruined crops in Russia leading to a grain embargo causing food riots in places like Mozambique – but that says it all doesn’t it: its just the poorest people in faraway places who are getting ground progressively ever further into the dust. We don’t have to worry.

I mean there are some out there claiming people will still be talking about this issue when everything else on this website will look like so much trivial babble by comparison. Well even just suppose for a minute, just for the sake of argument, that’s right; I mean just because its the greatest crisis ever doesn’t mean we actually have to make a fuss about it.

The National Climate March takes place on the 4th of December – it’s the one time in the year we put as many people together as we can to say we need radical action to address the climate emergency, one simple thing we can do. This event doesn’t just happen – people work like crazy to make it happen – all you have to do is turn up, to make their work worthwhile.

Point a way forward that doesn’t duck the biggest issue of all. Climate Jobs to build a Zero Carbon Britain. 4th December. Check it out here:

17 Responses to “Don’t let climate change slip down the agenda – join the march on December 4th”

  1. Mr. Sensible

    “Now you are rapidly losing the battle for the ear of the public.”

    Billy is that why the Daily Mail is now supporting the argument about climate change?

    And lets remember what a former Tory MP said a couple of weeks ago on this very blog!

  2. Fay Tuncay

    Philip you seem like a well-meaning citizen that knows nothing of the science, economics and grubby politics of “global warming”. I am stunned that you have never questioned this issue of taxing the atmosphere this is ABC stuff. Here are some articles you might find enlightening. The economic recovery is at stake and carbon taxes, will export British jobs to countries with no carbon taxes. Britain only accounts for 1.5% of CO2 emmisions and this will have no impact on the climate whatsoever.

    Surely you must see you are just a foot soldier for bankers and carbon traders who will make trillions in commission off this nonsense. It is not about the weather its about greed and power. Why do you think they are so keen to start a Green Bank or Climate Bank and Soros is running around now talking about 1.5%C lowering it suddenly from 2%C? Is he a climate scientist? No he wants to get his hands on our cash and make billions more for himself.

    In the 1980’s we talked about the workers pricing themselves out of the jobs market, but now the British government is pricing industry out of the global market! Carbon taxes will effect the price of food, clothes and energy and everything we buy – and no insulating your loft will not insulate the poor from these price hikes. Read and learn – you have been duped by the propaganda!

    Why the BBC cannot be trusted on ‘Climate Change’: the full story

    In his GWPF lecture, President Klaus argues that today’s widely accepted climate change doctrine is driven not so much by science as by a collectivist environmental ideology which has become a vehicle for extensive government intervention into all fields of life, endangering both human freedom and economic prosperity.
    Publications & Web sites

    THIS TALKS ABOUT TAXING THE ATMOSPHERE A free book by Institute of Economic Affairs ‘Climate Change Policy: Challenging the Activists’, which argues that market-based adaptation should be favoured when contemplating the challenges of climate change.

    Video lectures from the 4th International Conference on Climate Change 
Leading scientists discuss the evidence for natural climate change.

    Climate Change Reconsidered

    CO2 Science

    A useful free handbook ‘Seven Theories of Climate Change’

    Is the Western Climate Establishment Corrupt?

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