Changes at Left Foot Forward

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After nearly two years setting up and editing Left Foot Forward, I have decided to pass on the leadership of the blog to what Ed Miliband might call a “new generation”.

Shamik Das, our excellent assistant editor becomes Acting Editor, and Daniel Elton, a trained fundraiser who has been working with Left Foot Forward on the separate Latimer Project, will take over as Managing Director with responsibility for business development. Our regular writers Nicola Smith and Marcus Roberts will become contributing editors on social policy and foreign policy respectively. They join a new editorial board which will be expanded in the coming weeks.

In January, I start as Associate Director for Strategic Development at the Institute for Public Policy Research (ippr). I’ll be working with new Director Nick Pearce and ippr’s terrific team of researchers (many of whom will be familiar as LFF contributors) to help rebuild the policy platform for British progressives as well as developing the Institute’s international relationships, particularly in the US where I used to work. I’ll continue to write – primarily on economic policy – for Left Foot Forward.

Setting up and editing Left Foot Forward over the past 18 months has been an enormously rewarding challenge and I’m thrilled that we now have a regular monthly audience of over 50,000 and have been voted the No.1 left-wing blog. I’ve no doubt that the new team will take the blog from strength to strength.

44 Responses to “Changes at Left Foot Forward”

  1. Elaine

    Ignore the crabby cynics.
    LFF has made a major contribution to political discussion and I say ‘Thank you very much’ for your work. I particularly appreciate the emphasis on “evidence” and that you imported the American practice 🙂 of citing sources: both are key to developing serious political debate and are too often absent from so much UK political commentary – which then falls far short of any claim to be ‘analysis.’

  2. Sunny Hundal

    Well done with taking LFF this far Will, and good luck with the future. Hope to see this site continue to go from strength to strength!

  3. paulstpancras

    Changes at Left Foot Forward | Left Foot Forward

  4. Mark Pack

    RT @leftfootfwd: Changes at Left Foot Forward < Best of luck with new job @wdjstraw

  5. Sunder Katwala

    RT @markpack: RT @leftfootfwd: Changes at Left Foot Forward < Best of luck with new job @wdjstraw

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