Labour has today revealed the winner of its crowd-sourced "create Labour's next ad" competition. It follows the success of the spoof MyDavidCameron website.
After the success earlier this year of websites – like – spoofing Conservative posters, the Labour party has today revealed the winner of its crowd-sourced “create Labour’s next ad” competition.
Jacob Quagliozzi, a 24-year old supporter from St. Albans, designed the winning idea. According to Labour, his poster warns that David Cameron would take Britain on a time-travel journey back to the socially divisive early-80s when the nation was scarred by youth unemployment and social unrest. His design was chosen from more than 1,000 submitted in just three days. A range of the designs are currently on Labour’s website.
This week Mr Quagliozzi visited Labour’s ad agency, Saatchi & Saatchi, in London to work with the agency’s creative directors. The design will be revealed by Ed and David Miliband in Basildon tomorrow.
Watch a video of Jacob’s trip to Saatchi & Saatchi:
Mr Quagliozzi said:
“I wanted to remind the public that David Cameron has failed to change the Conservative Party and show the threat they would pose to young people.”
“In a clear message to young voters the Miliband brothers will highlight the way an uncaring Tory Government presided over division and decay and left a generation on the scrapheap.
“The Tories, they will say, would take Britain back to the dark ages of the 1980s by failing to support economic recovery and put at risk Labour’s policies to give young people the training, jobs and start in adult life that they need.”
13 Responses to “Winner of Labour’s crowd-sourced ad revealed”
concrete pump
Massive, massive fail. This will do wonders for the Tories.
I am laughing very hard indeed. Tory victory.
Right wing blogs are lapping this up. BTW, have you seen this one:
A week is a long time in Politics,(Who remembers Harold Wilson? – thats more than a week), already it has been forgotten that there is a financial defecit and the tories are promising everything on yet more efficiency savings. Who remembers the eighties, high inflation, high unemployment, the decimation of british industry (they were all lame ducks), the class war against the unions, the emergence of homelessness and the start of a housing shortage, and greed as being ok. We are facing all this and the denial of the importance of climate change and the unpicking of the need for a united Europe in a global market. Its cake now and no bread tomorrow, Im not sure that this poster will chill anyone who wasnt there.
Priceless own goal, guys. Don’t you realise that people actually like Gene Hunt – especially the kind of voters who bang on about modern “PC” policing methods? The Tories will be laughing their socks off at you. If you must have gone with Cameron-as-Gene-Hunt (and he’s more of a Berkeley Hunt than a Gene), you could have at least used the slogan “as fake as a tranny’s fanny” or similar.
Incidentally, what is the relationship between Saatchi & Saatchi and the Tories’ advertising agents M & C Saatchi?
FX Man
Ashes to Ashes: an appropriate epitaph for New Labour.
I cannot believe that the intelligent Millibands would stand next to such an obvious Trojan Horse.
[Jacob Quagliozzi anagram: Lab Caio – Quiz Goz [Eton slang for a dimwit]
Rupert Millibong
Well done Labour.
After you are destroyed at the election, you will then lose BBC bias, gerrymandered constituencies, Union “modernisation Fund”, state funded Guardian adverts, prosecution protection.
The books will be opened and exposed for all to see. Your policies will be exposed on immigration.
The Labour party is finished. 18 years of Conservatives will look like a 15 minute tea break.