Tory PPC under pressure over missing £16,000 charity cash

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Tory PPC Shaun Bailey is at the centre of allegations his charity "My Generation" showed £15,952 worth of spending "without any supporting records.

One of the leading Tory PPCs, the man always cited by David Cameron when he tries to convince the public that he’s changed, that his party has changed, modernised and is open to all, Shaun Bailey, is at the centre of allegations that his North Kensington-based charity “My Generation” showed £15,952 worth of spending “without any supporting records”.

The Times reports that Bailey, PPC for Hammersmith and Shepherd’s Bush:

“Faces scrutiny from the [Charity] commission after an independent examiner discovered £16,000 worth of unreceipted expenditure in the charity he runs … The independent examiner said that the charity’s accounts showed that £15,952 worth of payments were made from a budget of £201,859 ‘without any supporting records’.

“The Charity Commission confirmed that it was looking at the discrepancy in the accounts. ‘We are assessing the issue in line with normal procedures to determine what role, if any, there may be for us,’ it said.”

HFConWatch adds that:

“The most recently filed accounts for My Generation, where Bailey is chief executive, show that independent examiners qualified My Generation’s accounts for 2008-9 because they failed to meet charity and company accounting laws. In particular they highlighted the fact that £15,952 of My Generation’s expenses were made without any supporting records or receipts. About 8% of the charity’s total spending was therefore unaccounted for.

“In addition almost half of My Generation’s spending in 2008-9 was on publicity and administration and was not ‘direct charitable expenditure’. Of the £116,000 charitable expenditure, over half was spent on travel and subsistence. My Generation was established in early 2006 shortly before Bailey was selected to stand in Hammersmith by the Conservative Party.

“The charity’s accounts for 2006-7 and 2007-8 were filed late with the Charity Commission. Now big questions have been put to the Commission about My Generation’s accounts for 2008-9.”

Bailey is featured prominently on page 64 of the Conservative manifesto, where he says:

“We need a new kind of politics in this country, a politics where people join because they want to do something, not because they want to be someone. We need to reverse the relationship between politicians and people so that it’s the people demanding respect from politicians, not the other way around.”

Dave Hill, in The Guardian, has more on Bailey:

“Catching up on recent coverage of Bailey, I’m not surprised to find he’s been playing that trademark street cred card, but I’m still struck by the way he’s been playing it. Interviewed by Nick Ferrari last Wednesday (7 April) he portrayed himself, only slightly teasingly, as ‘a different dude’ whose ‘politics are of the street’, who likes to ‘shoot from the hip’ and is ‘continually getting in trouble’, including with his party leader…

“I was surprised by his comments and appearance in this London Tonight report:

“Keeping it real,” with “my boys”? Do such demonstrations of street lingo and savvy really help Bailey’s cause? Did that pronouncement about what black people want and the accusation that Labour thinks it “owns” them endear him to black voters who saw it?

“After all, there might just be a reason why black Londoners (and black Britons generally) have historically tended to vote Labour, such as a judgment that Labour has always shown more concern for them. Is Bailey suggesting that black voters are daft?”

The Times report also names Joanne Cash, another Cameroon rising star and PPC for Westminster North:

The Charity Commission has issued guidance to Joanne Cash after concerns were raised about her use of the word ‘charitable’ to describe a social action project run and funded by her Conservative Association.”

12 Responses to “Tory PPC under pressure over missing £16,000 charity cash”

  1. Les Crompton

    RT @leftfootfwd: Tory PPC under pressure over missing £16,000 charity cash:

  2. Ian Smith

    RT @leftfootfwd leftfootfwd

    Tory PPC under pressure over missing £16,000 charity cash:

  3. isaac kurira

    RT @leftfootfwd: Tory PPC under pressure over missing £16,000 charity cash:

  4. Jae Kay

    RT @leftfootfwd: Tory PPC under pressure over missing £16,000 charity cash:

  5. Malcolm Evison

    Tory PPC under pressure over missing £16,000 charity cash | Left Foot Forward

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