Nearly 90 per cent of David Cameron's MEPs voted against a European Parliament resolution calling for "Action on Gender Equality".
David Cameron’s claims to have modernised the Tory party have suffered setbacks recently with renewed allegations of racism and homophobia – and now evidence, from Europe, of Tory sexism as well. Nearly 90 per cent of Cameron’s MEPs voted against a European Parliament resolution calling for “Action on Gender Equality”.
In all, only 85 of the parliament’s 735 members voted againt the motion – 22 of them Cameron’s MEPs, nine UKIP and the BNP’s Nick Griffin and Andrew Brons, giving Britain the unwanted distinction of being the only nation with a majority of MEPs against full equality for women.
The Conservative Party manifesto, unveiled this week, states (page 16) that:
“We will look at how to abolish the default retirement age, as many older people want to carry on working. And we will force equal pay audits on any company found to be discriminating on the basis of gender.“
It further states (page 35) that:
“By promoting equality and tackling discrimination, our policies, like recognising civil partnerships as well as marriage in the tax system and helping disabled people live independently, will give everybody the chance to play their part. This way, we can make Britain fairer and safer; a country where opportunity is more equal.“
Fine words; shame about the actions.
26 Responses to “Cameron’s MEPs vote with UKIP & BNP against gender equality”
Hannah Mackay
RT @leftfootfwd: Cameron's MEPs vote with UKIP & BNP against gender equality
stella Hargreaves
Duh! The BNP is a FASCIST party, Costello. What worries me is that the Labour party has jumped on the anti-immigration band wagon. Don’t these people know any history? Hitler started gaining popularity among some working class germans by blaming the Jews for the econ. crisis. He was NEVER elected, the equivelant of the Tories in the German parliament invited him to form a govt. Hitler then closed Parliament down and in the Night of the Long knives, he massacred the Brownshirts, who’d been the (backward) working class faction of the fascists in Germany. Hitler was bankrolled by big business in Germany, such as Thysenn and Krupp. I had a full-colour leaflet from BNP through my door, 1st time ever. WHO is bankrolling the fascist BNP?
The LP leaders and the so-called liberal Social democrats should point the finger at the REAL cause of the economic mess we’re in, big business and the Banks; the only people served by their anti-immigration mouthings are the Fascists, and if they get hold in the UK, God help us.
stella Hargreaves
I’m about to e mail the Royal Pharmaceutical soc and others re reports that the drug manafacturers are selling NHS drugs abroad. There are many reports re this on the internet and quotes from cancer patients, epilepsy and asthma patients and others saying they can’t get their prescriptions filled. The Health Minster was apparently sposed to be holding an emergency summit re this some weeks ago. Now parliament has risen. WHAT IS GOING ON? THIS IS POTENTIALLY VERY SERIOUS. Anyone know anything?
Catherine Elms
RT @leftfootfwd: Cameron's MEPs vote with #UKIP & #BNP against gender equality: #sameoldtories #ukelection
Secular Gay
RT @leftfootfwd: Cameron's MEPs vote with #UKIP & #BNP against gender equality #sameoldtories #ukelection #equality