Better rights for people with disabilities

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1. Disability Hate Crime reports must be taken seriously and acted on appropriately by the police and (if not already) should receive exactly the same punishment as hate crimes against all other minorities.

2. Parents of disabled children should be given full rights to decide what sort of an education they want their child to have, and at which school. Full provision should be made for mainstream schools to be able to meet the needs of children with all disabilities.

3. Disabled adults should be given an allowance specifically to pay for any therapy their condition requires, to be provided at organisations of their choice.

7 Responses to “Better rights for people with disabilities”

  1. Kay Tie

    “fixing the NHS therapy system is everyone’s dream, but it is also a dream which everyone realises will sadly not come true any time soon.”

    Right, so we all have a dream of an efficient and effective healthcare system, but realise this is a pipe dream. So you want to create another parallel healthcare system, which somehow magically will achieve all its goals but only be permitted for disabled people to use. Wonderful sense of equality, don’t you think?

    “As for chakra balancing, it’s not my idea of a cure, but if it is someone else’s, then yes, and best of luck to them.”

    They can pay for it themselves then.

  2. joe

    stop punishing the sick and disabled for being sick and disabled.

    stop the dreaful “work capability assesment” medical, which since 2008 has found nearly 70% of those who have applied for sickness benefit being found capable of work under the new tough computer led wca, claimants with cancer, parkinsons, and seviour mental health etc, are being told to look for work.

    a coalition of 15 uk charities have condemed the wca as being “to harsh” and “not able to take account of how a persons condition affect them indervidually” and the private company doing the medical of “ingnoring evidence from claimants consultant and gp” and “creating a hostile and intimatating atmosphere for claimants.

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