Polish politician attempts to suppress film exposing country’s anti-Semitic issues

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Marek Jurek, a senior Polish politician and former speaker in the Polish Parliament, has called for the Polish Government to take legal action against London-based Polish Film Director Aro Korol for his planned film – “Hitler’s Daughter” – which exposes the worrying levels of anti-Semitism in Poland, and Europe, today.

Mr. Jurek – a former member of the Law and Justice party – called on the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Radosław Sikorski, to intervene, claiming that:

“Such behaviour [i.e. producing such a film] should not only be met with severe political reaction, but also legal steps, to prevent unpunished insults addressed at Polish institutions at an international audience”.

In the opinion of Mr Jurek and his political allies, Mr. Korol should be prosecuted for his activity, which – in their view – is of criminal nature.

In July 2009, a promo reel of “Hitler’s Daughter” was presented at the Galway Film Fair and subsequently posted on the film’s website. The film – currently in production – explores the rise in anti-Semitic movements in Poland and across Europe. The promo reel created a media frenzy in Poland, making the headlines of major Polish press titles and remained one of the hottest topics on numerous internet portals. Articles were also published in Hungary, Germany, Spain and the Czech Republic. Mr. Korol became the object of numerous attacks (some of them anti-Semitic). One person even went so far as to say he wished Mr. Korol would die, while another said: “Leave Poland alone, you Jew, or we’ll cut your hands off.”

Watch the promo reel:

Our guest writer is Lidia Wieczorek

UPDATE 22.09

After a commenter pointed out that there is only one MP featured in the article above we changed the headline to the singular. There is a second politician implicated in this story and Left Foot Forward will be following up.

14 Responses to “Polish politician attempts to suppress film exposing country’s anti-Semitic issues”

  1. Conservative party paranoia on Poland | Left Foot Forward

    […] Guest blog post, published last Wednesday, examined the case of a Polish politician, Marek Jurek, calling for the […]

  2. Emily

    The film with the sensationalist title “Hitler’s Daughter” aims NOT to expose any levels of the alleged anti-Semitism in Poland but directly to smear Radio Maryja – the independent Catholic media in Poland. I am Polish and am listening to the radio so I have a good idea on what it is about. Due to its unbiased information and programs exposing the real political scene in Poland, this media is highly uncomfortable (to the ruling group) in the country deprived of the medial pluralism you can enjoy in the UK.
    The witch hunt and smear campaign against Radio Maryja and its creators goes on for years.
    Marek Jurek’s request is very sensible and reasonable considering the consequences of such an emotionally charged production. Accusing Poles of crimes of anti-semitism (which nota bene is lower than in other countries) will result in nothing better than spreading racism and hatred. (Anyone falsely accused would react with anger and anyone seeing the alleged crimes will become prejudiced and angry too.)
    The hate campaigners like A.Korol should be stopped from stirring and disseminating anti-Polish and anti-religious lies around the world!…

  3. Irish newspaper smears Polish migrants | Left Foot Forward

    […] Polish politician attempts to suppress film exposing country’s anti-Semitic issues – Lidia Wieczorek, November 4th […]

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