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12 Responses to “Gordon Brown: change, people, new, Britain”
[…] I gather ‘change’ appeared a lot in Gordons’ speech, but surely after twelve years of a government we should be at least on the right track (for the government) and not needing to change too much, otherwise what’s the last twelve years been spent doing? […]
12 Responses to “Gordon Brown: change, people, new, Britain”
Mamading Ceesay
Sprinkling some of that magic pixie dust RT @tim: Gordon Brown speech word cloud "change", "new" & "people" writ large
Some thoughts on Gordon Browns’ speech | Sim-O
[…] I gather ‘change’ appeared a lot in Gordons’ speech, but surely after twelve years of a government we should be at least on the right track (for the government) and not needing to change too much, otherwise what’s the last twelve years been spent doing? […]