Tory minister admits that Brexit has been bad for British businesses

His comments come at a time when polls show that a clear majority of voters want the next government to take the UK back into the European Union.


A Tory minister has finally admitted what many of us have known for a while, that Brexit has been a disaster for British businesses.

Kevin Hollinrake said there was “no doubt” that exporting to the EU has been made more difficult by Brexit.

His comments come at a time when polls show that a clear majority of voters want the next government to take the UK back into the European Union.

A poll at the end of last year found that a majority of Britons support rejoining the European Union’s single market even though that would mean the restoration of the free movement of workers from the bloc.

Speaking on Radio 4’s Today programme this morning, Hollinrake said: “There’s no doubt, for some businesses, it is more difficult to trade with the European Union. There is no doubt that is the case.”

He added: “For some businesses, particularly in the food and drink sector, particularly SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises), they’re finding it more difficult to trade with the European Union. That’s the reality.”

It’s good to see a Tory minister finally admit the disastrous impacts of Brexit.

Basit Mahmood is editor of Left Foot Forward

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