There’s no chaos like snow chaos: Busting the myth that snow disproves climate change

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Recent studies show how record high temperatures are far outpacing record low temperatures across the US, proving recent cold weather is not global cooling.

During the recent cold snap climate sceptics seized on the cold weather as “proof” that climate change is a “myth”.

The Daily Express published headlines like:

“Snow Chaos: And they still claim it’s global warming”


“As one of the worst winters in 100 years grips the country, climate experts are still trying to claim the world is growing warmer.”

The Daily Mail said global warming had “paused”, and poked fun at Ed Miliband, writing:

“Last week, as Britain froze, Climate Change Secretary Ed Miliband maintained in a parliamentary answer that the science of global warming was ‘settled’.”

The scientist the Mail claimed to base that story on later claimed the paper had completely distorted what he said.

Needless to say, these papers haven’t reported that this winter was actually the warmest winter globally in satellite records, or that January 2010 globally was in fact the warmest January on record.

It seems that once again, the sceptics have confused ‘weather’ with ‘climate’ and then failed to correct themselves.

Recent studies show how record high temperatures are far outpacing record low temperatures across the US, only underlining once again how the recent cold weather in Britain does nothing to disprove the theory of climate change.

Our US sister site, Think Progress, reports how snow is having to be airlifted in to Vancouver for the winter Olympics due to the unusually warm winter there.

12 Responses to “There’s no chaos like snow chaos: Busting the myth that snow disproves climate change”

  1. Elrik Merlin

    RT @leftfootfwd: There’s no chaos like snow chaos: Busting the myth that snow disproves climate change:

  2. Political Animal

    RT @leftfootfwd: There’s no chaos like snow chaos: Busting the myth that snow disproves climate change:

  3. Joel Davies

    RT @leftfootfwd: There’s no chaos like snow chaos: Busting the myth that snow disproves climate change:

  4. Joel Davies

    Jan '10 = warmest ever ->RT @leftfootfwd No chaos like snow chaos: Busting the myth that snow disproves climate change:

  5. EarthAdapt

    #ClimateChange : There’s no chaos like snow chaos: Busting sceptics’ myths that… ; )

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