Smear of the week – Tories accuse Angela Rayner of asking civil servants to help her move house
Barely a week goes by without the deputy PM being targeted for some alleged new ‘crime.’
Barely a week goes by without the deputy PM being targeted for some alleged new ‘crime.’
As we’ve pointed out in previous editions of Right-Wing Media Watch, sometimes what the press doesn’t cover is just as revealing as what it does.
For a disillusioned young man, grappling with economic stagnation and political apathy, Trump’s return may seem like an empowering vision.
Toby Young, founder of the Free Speech Union (FSU) and perennial culture-warrior, is once again stirring the pot.
The Tories and their supporting press, seem to have forgotten the catastrophic fallout from Liz Truss’s fiscal plans in the autumn of 2022, which sent the gilts market into freefall and catapulted the UK’s pensions industry into chaos.
The rise of climate-sceptic populist figures both in the UK and abroad, puts climate action at risk of being side-lined in favour of regressive, anti-environmental politics that could undo years of hard-fought progress.
Unless Britain truly distances itself from the racially charged nationalism emerging from MAGA mania across the Atlantic, the true victims will be immigrants, who will face an increasingly normalised wave of vilification.
The embracing of a man who incited a dangerous and deadly insurrection as he refused to accept the result of a democratic vote – akin to a three-year-old refusing to accept his bedtime – risks pushing Britain further down a dark and dangerous path, eroding the very values that have long defined the nation.
In the strange world that is GB News and their ilk, where conspiracy theories and outrage are always just around the corner, they would love to cast themselves as the cavaliers against woke roundheads. As ever, reality, and history come to that, is never that simple.
If financial backing were the sole measure of a party’s success, Reform would be home and dry.