Building social housing could save the government billions, report finds
The government could could have saved renters £1.8 billion pounds over twenty years and saved itself £7 billion
The government could could have saved renters £1.8 billion pounds over twenty years and saved itself £7 billion
The Home Office might have become slightly more wary about what it says in public, but it certainly hasn’t got any better
NUJ members report being hit in the neck with stones, kicked and knocked to the ground – all while trying to do their jobs.
Lib Dem deputy leader Jo Swinson is pushing for all companies with more than 250 employees to make parental leave and pay details public.
Carers face poverty wages, precarious employment and isolation, limiting their ability to help vulnerable people.
The Prime Minister could be forced to launch a public inquiry into overspending by the Vote Leave campaign through a judicial review.
Cleaners at Goldsmiths will now be made university staff. However some have already lost their jobs.
The Tory politician has normalised racism, and may have made the unacceptable seem acceptable to people with underlying prejudices, says charity.
The Tories should be building at least 30,000 new affordable homes each year. Last year they built less than 6,000.
With the NHS pay deal failing to deliver what it promised, thousands of nurses have lost faith in their union.