Viktor Orbán is taken apart in European Parliament and told he’s the ‘useful idiot of Russia and China’

“What a fraud, what a burden for your people, Mr Orban please step down to make Hungary great again.”


Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán was ripped apart for being the authoritarian despot that he is in the European Parliament, as he laid out plans for his country’s six-month presidency of the European Union.

Orban, who has been described as the ‘ultimate twenty-first-century dictator’, for the manner in which he has undermined democratic institutions and attacked the rights of LGBT and minority communities in Hungary, was grilled in the European Parliament over his close links to Russia and China.

German MEP Moritz Körner delivered a scathing speech in which he took Orban apart over his authoritarianism and for being ‘afraid of democracy’, his anti-immigrant sentiments and for being a ‘useful idiot of Russia and China’.

Körner told Orban: “You say you want democracy and you brag about your majorities in the Hungarian Parliament yet since years you only rule by emergency decree, are you so afraid of democracy Mr Orban?

“You say you are for national sovereignty, yet you invite Chinese policeman to surveil the people in your country! You say you want to stop migration and yet you let Russian spies into our Schengen system…

“Mr Orban you are not a patriot you are just a useful idiot of Russia and China that’s the reality. You say you want to fight for more economic competitiveness, yet you keep introducing new company laws and taxes to drive European competitors out of your country.

“You turned Hungary into a banana republic, you robbed your population and enriched your family and friends, under your rule Hungary has become one of the poorest and officially the most corrupt country in the EU.

“What a fraud, what a burden for your people, Mr Orban please step down to make Hungary great again.”

Basit Mahmood is editor of Left Foot Forward

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