Fact check: Keir Starmer has not said he will stop working after 6PM every day when he is PM

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The Tory party ad on X has been community noted for its false claim.

Keir Starmer

With just 48 hours to go until the polls open, the Tories are getting incredibly desperate in their attacks on the Labour Party and Keir Starmer.

Their latest attack line? That Keir Starmer would stop working after 6 pm every day when he is Prime Minister and is therefore unfit to lead the country.

The above claim is simply untrue.

The Labour Party leader told Virgin Radio that he would not work past 6 p.m. on a Friday if he becomes PM later this week — a routine he has kept for years.

Starmer said he uses this “protected time” to do activities with his two children and has also previously described his regular Friday night sabbath dinners with his wife’s Jewish family as “a rock in the week.”

He said: “Now there are a few exceptions, but that’s what we do,” he told Chris Evans. “My son goes kick-boxing and so I often take him there. My daughter goes swimming and cheerleading now, so I have been to see her in cheerleading competitions.”

Asked if that meant he was going to “ringfence” that time, Starmer replied: “Yeah, and I want to. Because one, I’m a dad and I love them. They’re my pride and joy and I don’t want to lose that time.

“Two, I don’t believe in the theory you’re a better decision-maker if you don’t allow space to be a dad and have fun for your kids.

“Actually, it helps me. It takes me away from the pressure. It relaxes me.”

Following his comments, the Tories have run a series of attack ads, wrongly claiming that the Labour leader wanted to “clock off at 6pm” every day.

The Tory party ad on X has been community noted for its false claim.

Basit Mahmood is editor of Left Foot Forward

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