Ed Miliband calmly dispatches Lee Anderson after Reform UK MP’s ‘gotcha moment’ spectacularly backfires

Not a good day for Lee Anderson...

Ed Miliband

Labour’s Ed Miliband calmly dispatched Lee Anderson, after his ‘gotcha’ moment spectacularly backfired, leaving the Reform MP red faced.

Anderson, who is Reform’s MP for the Ashfield constituency, hit out at Labour for creating a “modern” Robin Hood saga with the creation of GB Energy.

He told the Commons: “The Secretary of State speaks very passionately about GB Energy.

“I would just like to remind him (Ed Miliband) that just a few years ago in Nottingham, the Labour-controlled Nottingham City Council had their own energy company called Robin Hood Energy.

“But this was Robin Hood with a modern twist, it robbed from the poor and gave to the rich, and cost the taxpayer about £50 million.”

Anderson asked Miliband if he could explain how much GB Energy would cost the taxpayer.

Miliband replied: “First of all, if I can explain, Robin Hood Energy was a supply company, this is a generation company. Robin Hood was a retailer, so it’s different.

“I have to say I am surprised about the position he takes. I thought the position of his party was to be in favour of publicly-owned energy. I think they produced lots of videos on social media to that effect.”

Basit Mahmood is editor of Left Foot Forward

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