Resurfaced poll shows just how much the public hate Nigel Farage

He's not as popular as he thinks he is

Nigel Farage

Nigel Farage grabbed the headlines yesterday with his unexpected move to take over as a leader of the Reform party and stand as a general election candidate in Clacton.

The right wing populist party will no doubt hope that Farage’s new role will boost their campaign and increase the chances of them picking up votes and parliamentary seats. After all, Farage has spent decades trying to craft a ‘man of the people’ image in the media and among the public.

But what do the public really think about Farage? Well, a poll from April has resurfaced which illustrates how well liked the now Reform leader really is.

YouGov asked the public their views on Farage in April. The results are pretty stark. Just 25% of people say they have a favourable opinion of him. By contrast, a whopping 62% say they have an unfavourable view of him. Hardly a ringing endorsement…

Still, he can at least take comfort in the fact that he’s not quite as disliked as Rishi Sunak, Michael Gove and Jeremy Hunt. YouGov found that an even higher proportion of the public have an unfavourable view of those three leading Tories. 69% had an unfavourable view of Sunak, 64% an unfavourable view of Gove and 63% an unfavourable view of Hunt.

Chris Jarvis is head of strategy and development at Left Foot Forward

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