Astonishing new YouGov poll suggests Tories will win just 20 seats in the general election

Labour have opened up a 27 point poll lead over the Tories

Rishi Sunak

It’s now been one week since Rishi Sunak called the general election. It hasn’t got off to a good start for the Tories.

While Sunak would no doubt have hoped to see the polls beginning to narrow to avoid a catastrophic defeat on July 4, things seem to be getting worse and worse for him.

According to the latest YouGov poll, Labour now has an astonishing 27 point lead over the Tories. Since the polling firm last asked the public their voting intention, support for Labour is up three points to 47% and support for the Tories is down two points to 20%. The Greens are also up one point on 7%, Reform are down two points on 12% and the Lib Dems are static on 9%.

Polling aggregator Stats for Lefties has projected what the makeup of the House of Commons would look like if this result was repeated at the general election. Labour would win a stonking majority of 422, taking 536 of the 650 seats in the Commons. The Tories would be relegated to third place, facing near wipe out and keeping just 20 MPs. The Lib Dems would pick up 54 seats, the highest of any election since 2010. Reform would win no seats and the Greens just two.

The catastrophic poll for the Tories comes after another found that Sunak’s party is polling behind the Greens among under 30s. It is also the first poll conducted wholly after the Tories announced their proposals to reintroduce national service. The poll was conducted between 27 and 28 May.

Chris Jarvis is head of strategy and development at Left Foot Forward

Image credit: Simon Walker / Number 10 – Creative Commons

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