Tory HQ pleads with MPs to space out their announcements about quitting at the next general election

Thus far, 54 Tory MPs have announced that they will not contest the next general election

Conservative Party rosette

Tory central office is now pleading with its MPs to space out their announcements about quitting at the next general election, in order to avoid an “unhelpful image” of simultaneous exits.

With many Tory MPs fearful that they will lose their seats, amid polls predicting a Tory wipeout at the next general election, Adam Payne of Politics Home reports: “CCHQ staff have privately asked that they time their announcements to help the party avoid the unhelpful image of a wave of MPs confirming their exit plans at the same time.”

Thus far, 54 Tory MPs have announced that they will not contest the next general election. They include former Cabinet ministers Sajid Javid and Dominic Raab.

The number of Tory MPs announcing that they will not be standing at the next general election is expected to rise, with Politics Home reporting: “One senior Tory predicted that the list would reach the sixties — which would represent the biggest number of Conservative MPs standing down in the run-up to a general election since 1997, when Tony Blair’s Labour secured a landslide victory.”

Basit Mahmood is editor of Left Foot Forward

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