Rishi Sunak spent £43,000 of taxpayer cash on VIP jets and choppers

That included 20 domestic flights on RAF planes and helicopters in his first 11 months in charge.

Rishi Sunak

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, who is always keen to portray himself as a man of the people, despite being a billionaire, has once more proven just how out of touch he is.

It’s been revealed that Sunak spent £43,000 of taxpayers’ cash on VIP jets and choppers, which included 20 domestic flights on RAF planes and helicopters in his first 11 months in charge.

The Mirror reported: “An audit of the private jet addict PM’s year shows he ran up a £43,730 bill with the Ministry of Defence for 20 domestic flights on RAF planes and helicopters in his first 11 months in charge. That works out at an average of £2,186 per flight. Tory donors have also shelled out for £85,583 worth of domestic flights at the same time.”

The Prime Minister’s preference to repeatedly take domestic flights has undermined his claims to care about climate change. In June, Sunak received criticism for taking a private jet to make an announcement on green energy. The Prime Minister flew to Scotland to unveil plans for a new North Sea carbon capture scheme.

In January this year, Sunak defended his decision to visit a hospital in Leeds on an RAF jet rather than making the trip on a train.

He has taken more VIP flights around the UK than Theresa May, Boris Johnson or Liz Truss. MOD data previously revealed he hopped on a helicopter or a Government plane almost once a week in his first seven months in office.

Yet another out of touch Tory leader.

Basit Mahmood is editor of Left Foot Forward

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