Refugee charity slams Suella Braverman’s ‘cruel’ proposal to house asylum seekers in tents

'The winners from this cruel plan will be the Home Office’s asylum housing contractors'

Suella Braverman

Home Secretary Suella Braverman has been slammed by a refugee charity for her latest cruel proposals for asylum seekers.

Braverman has proposed to house asylum seekers in tents on disused military sites. The Times reported last week that: “Suella Braverman has bought tents to accommodate up to 2,000 migrants on disused military sites by the end of August as part of emergency plans to avoid the expensive process of last-minute hotel bookings.

“The marquees, which have been procured by the Home Office in the past few days, will start to be erected over the coming weeks as part of contingency plans to deal with an expected surge of small boat arrivals.”

Charity Refugee Action condemned the Home Secretary’s plans.

Tim Naor Hilton, the Chief Executive of the charity said: “It’s staggering the Home Secretary plans to use what a Government source compared to a concentration camp to house people seeking asylum – in the same week courts ruled she broke the law three times with her inhumane treatment of refugees.

“The winners from this cruel plan will be the Home Office’s asylum housing contractors, who trouser tens of millions of pounds in taxpayer-subsidised profits as standards continue to plummet.

“This is yet another way the Government has developed to demonise people seeking asylum, which is rooted in its deeply racist approach to refugee protection.

“It really shouldn’t be too much to ask that people who have fled violence, torture and persecution have their claims assessed quickly and justly and are housed in safe homes in our communities.”

Basit Mahmood is editor of Left Foot Forward

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