Backlash against right-wing hit piece on Jewish Labour MP for opposing fascists

"Guido Fawkes was so vocal on Labour antisemitism...yet when a Jewish Labour MP says she'd beat up a Nazi they're presenting it as alarming."

Progressives have condemned a ‘hit piece’ attacking a newly-elected Jewish Labour MP, after she defended the use of force against fascists marching on Britain’s streets.

A piece by the hard-right Guido Fawkes blog condemns Warrington North MP Charlotte Nichols for previously arguing fascist football hooligans performing Nazi salutes should ‘get their heads kicked in’.

The Guido article initially describes the ultras simply as ‘Italian football fans’ – rather than racists performing Nazi salutes, ahead of a match in Glasgow last October.

The MP – who is a member of Manchester’s Reform Synagogue – was challenged over her comments on the BBC, but responded by arguing: “Frankly this idea that I should apologise for saying that these people should be dealt with, you know I think sometimes fascism has to be physically confronted.”

Twitter users responded angrily to the attack piece, published today:

Another user said: “Wait until he finds out what our grandparents did to Nazis.”

Several commentators noted that the site has ‘gone downhill’ in becoming a mouthpiece for the hard right:

A Labour source told Left Foot Forward:

“Guido has a longstanding record of smearing Labour MPs while being apologists for the Tories who are seemingly resonating a lot with the far-right these days. Attacking a new MP who is also Jewish should then come as no surprise.

“It’s clear Charlotte feels passionate about challenging the rise of the far-right and fascism because of her own family history. For many communities that live in fear of being abused or attacked, it will be reassuring to see her strong stance on such a critical issue.”

Perhaps Guido Fawkes would like to look up the Battle of Cable Street…

12 Responses to “Backlash against right-wing hit piece on Jewish Labour MP for opposing fascists”

  1. Alan Bond

    So, what do we do then ? Wait until the nazi hordes have complete control over our lives ? This government are fascists and they support fascism and it needs to be confronted wherever and whenever it is encountered or we will finish up like Nazi Germany in the 1930s. I blame the right wing press (most of it) for this as they should ALL be calling this out but papers like the Wapping Liar (aka The Sun) and the Daily Mail and their ilk will do nothing to attack their supporters. Remember that the Daily Mail supported Oswald Mosley’s fascists in the 1930s. The tories and their press cronies are no different now.

  2. Joe

    Another nasty Labour MP encourages extremist violence.

    She should resign.

  3. Julia Gibb

    a) A politician should not use such language – ever.
    b) WHO will decide what is acceptable? When you start “banning” people from marching or using salutes or flags then you are on a slippy slope away from democracy.

    When we have the USA once again using a drone attack to kill people “THEY” don’t like or agree with perhaps we should reflect on where the real danger lies.

    Should we ban Orange Order marches promoting religious bigotry ?
    Should climate change protests be illegal?

    Democracy hangs by a delicate thread when someone can decide what gestures are acceptable.
    Threats and violence are of course a very different topic.

    I don’t like Nazi salutes but I dislike even more giving someone the authority to decide what should be banned.

  4. Alice Aforethought

    “This government are fascists and they support fascism ” – Alan Bond

    Don’t be silly. When some fucking fool asserts that a centre-right government that’s been in office for 3 weeks (two of which were Christmas) are “fascists”, do you know what that does?

    It marks you and the likes of you as complete and utter ignorant hate-filled pillocks fit only to be pointed at, laughed at, and then ignored.

    And funnily enough, that’s exactly what happened on 12/12. So if you want the Tories to win in 2029 and 2034 (2024 is a done deal), keep it up. Every time you and the usual suspects shriek inane bile, you lock in Conservative votes.

    The Tories must be hoping desperately that we continue to hear from the likes of you, Ash Sarkar, Owen Jones, Eddie Izzard, Steve Coogan and all those other abject wankers. how many elections have you lost now? Four in a row? Eleven in a row if you count Blair’s victories as defeats? Well done!

  5. Alice Aforethought

    “Remember that the Daily Mail supported Oswald Mosley’s fascists in the 1930s.” – Alan Bond

    Remember Oswald Mosley was a Labour government Minister.

    “Should we ban Orange Order marches promoting religious bigotry ?
    Should climate change protests be illegal?” – Julia Gibb

    Yes in both cases.

    Just a quick reminder, while we’re on violence, that Jeremy Corbyn voted against the Good Friday Agreement. Just saying.

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