Help to build the progressive debate. Got an idea that isn't being heard? Get in touch.
Left Foot Forward is the UK’s leading progressive blog.
Since being set up in 2009, we’ve provided hard-hitting, evidence-based analysis of British politics, policy, and current affairs. We are proudly of the left – but always ready to challenge the left and develop new ideas.
To do that we bring together a diverse network of contributors to lead the progressive debate – from academics to activists, and from students to high-profile politicians.
And we are proudly non-partisan, receiving contributions from progressives of many parties and none. Though operating on a shoestring budget, we’ve consistently provide a grassroots platform for the left.
LFF receives over a million visitors a year – with our articles covering strikes, climate change talks, the press, and news not covered elsewhere.
We particularly welcome submissions from from women, BME, disabled and LGBTQ writers, as well as contributors based outside London, dealing with local, regional and devolved politics.
Contributions are linked to the news of the day, emerging campaigns, or newly-published research. Spotted a campaign that isn’t getting covered? Have a point or fact that isn’t being heard? Get in touch.
If you can fit a unique left-wing take into 450 words, send a few lines about what you’re interested in – and ideally an example of something you’ve written – to
Thanks for reading. Let’s take progressive ideas up a gear.
One Response to “Left Foot Forward are looking for new writers”
Craig Mackay
I blog reasonably regularly and all the pieces are on the website. There are a number that I think would fit well within the sort of pattern that your posts generally have. You may care to have a quick look at them. If you feel that any would be of particular interest to left foot forward written into the sort of size you generally have with more attention to the sort of style that you favour then I would be happy to do that.
Please let me know if you think any might be appropriate.
Best wishes, Craig Mackay.