Poll: Who would be a better Labour Party leader – Jeremy Corbyn or Owen Smith?

Tell us what you think about the Labour candidates


Now the Labour leadership race is down to Jeremy Corbyn and Owen Smith, who do you think would be better at the job?

Click on the link below to vote in our poll of Left Foot Forward readers. We’ll publish the results on Monday.



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57 Responses to “Poll: Who would be a better Labour Party leader – Jeremy Corbyn or Owen Smith?”

  1. Bev. Angus

    I agree wholeheartedly with Jeremy Corbans
    Political views but not his management of the party. Whereby intimidation bullying and aggression are taking hold. He’s
    Not living up to our values is too arrogant in that he is putting himself first. But neither challenger for the leadership have strong enough leadership skills and Owen is far more blairite then first impressions give

  2. Just Cann

    Owen Smith is promising the world but the untrustworthy MPs who support him are Toney Blair disciples and Smith is in their pockets. These MPs will not allow anything that is classed as Left which is a byword for helping the poor and closing the inequality gap. To say it again the Blair disciples MPs will not allow Smith to govern on the left agenda. These MPs will continuously under mine him. We need a strong leader Like Jeremy Corbyn.

    Owen Smith can’t be trusted by labour party members. He resigned from shadow cabinet in a way to cause maximum damage to the labour party by taking part in a drip, drip resignations on the hour every hour over a 3 days period that were designed to cause maximum damage to the labour party. When labour party want to change a leader the normal thing to do is start a leadership challenge and hold election. Whilst the leadership election is taking place there are no mass resignation from the shadow cabinet in an attempt to paralyse the shadow government. And yet this is exactly what Owen Smith did to paralyse the labour shadow government.

    Owen Smith is not good enough to be a labour party leader. He did not opposed the Tories Welfare Bill benefits cut. It shows that he does not care about the low paid, the unemployed, the disabled and other people on benefits.

  3. Josie


  4. Stuart Leaver

    He was elected fairly and squarely by the membership. Common decency says he should then have been given a fair crack of the whip. A lot of MP’s didn’t want to do that even though any elections to date have shown he definitely wasn’t the total failure he was cracked up to me by the media etc. Both sad and disgraceful. So it’s JC for me, in spades !!!

  5. Joyce Bullivant

    When Corbyn was elected I was both astounded and pleased. As a disabled person I have suffered both under Labour and Conservative governments and told by many MPs that they were only interested in Working people not those who relied on benefits because they thought they had lost before because it was perceived they were soft on benefit claimants. I don’t want a Labour Government prepared to let people starve just to win elections. A leader has to be someone I know will stick with us. I know from what Owen Smith has said & how he has voted that he is not that man. A man who is a member of CND & yet votes for Trident. A man who despite evidence thinks academies works. A man that two weeks ago said he agreed with austerity. Thats why I will vote for Corbyn. We need a steady pair of hands. Not someone whose opinion changes from day to day.

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