The right is split – good news for the left

Reading Time: 3 minutes

David Cameron, the Member for Brussels Central, has run out of ways to lie to his eurosceptic backbenchers - rejoice!

David Cameron, the Member for Brussels Central, has run out of ways to lie to his eurosceptic backbenchers – rejoice!

In an exclusive run by the Independent today, it’s found that up to 100 Conservative MPs will revolt and defy Cameron in the next election saying the UK must leave the European Union, even if he achieves concessions for Britain.

Recognising David Cameron as more of a John Major figure, trying to fend off euroscepticism within his party rather than embracing it, the rise of Ukip and the recent resignation of Douglas Carswell has given backbench Tories more confidence to ask difficult questions of their party leader.

In short, and as it has been long suspected, the right is split irreconcilably. When Tony Blair took on the left of the Labour party by ridding Clause 4, he did it in full knowledge that the centre, and parts of the right, could find a new home and populate the Labour support, while the left had virtually nowhere else to turn, save for the minefield that is British Trotskyism.

Now with the split in the right, Cameron doesn’t necessarily have his right flank covered given the rise of Ukip, and the dream of taking parts of the centre ground, with a little help from the LibDem government partners, seems like a pipe dream.

Of course the Tories have already ruled out an electoral pact with Ukip; but then Ukip should rule this out themselves anyway. In the last election many people standing for Ukip refused to run against Tories that had well known Eurosceptic convictions – drawing directly on a desire not to split the right on this issue of Europe.

But can Ukip afford to do such a thing this time? After all, and as they have cause to say over and over, they are not just a single issue party now: they are a party of flat taxes, of relaxed drug laws, and a new found love of libertarianism. These are things that the party don’t see eye to eye on with the Tories.

The difference is now that the Tories were once able contain these factions together. From Europhiles such as Kenneth Clarke to eurosceptics like Mr Carswell, but the tables have turned. With people like Zac Goldsmith saying they could be tempted by Ukip as well the change is for the foreseeable future.

That’s not to say Tory Europhiles have always had it easy: it was said that to some members Tristan Garel-Jones was known as ‘the Member for Madrid Central’. Now that the arrogance of David Cameron has taken him to believe he can change the EU from within, will he be called ‘the Member for Brussels Central’?

One wonders what else Mr Cameron can do? He will certainly be thinking hard about what to do to curb backbench disquiet. But he already promises a referendum; there was already a private members bill to leave the EU? In 2009 he left the European People’s Party – where kowtowing to Merkel would have been a lot easier – as a sop to the Eurosceptics. There’s nothing else.

Cameron doesn’t want to leave the EU, he’s run out of ways to keep his Eurosceptic backbenchers happy, and Ukip come with enough support now that British Conservatives can leave their party with their supporters and have a few more waiting for them: the risks for the rightwingers outside of the Conservative machine are becoming fewer.

The effects will probably be felt more after the election, but the right is split: good news for the left.

Carl Packman is a contributing editor to Left Foot Forward

39 Responses to “The right is split – good news for the left”

  1. Leon Wolfeson

    Not fooled.

  2. Leon Wolfeson

    I was thinking specifically about defeating ACTA, which the UK government was downright keen on. I hope to see the same thing happening with TTIP.

  3. Leon Wolfeson

    Talking to yourself I see. And no, you’re one person. You’re not fooling anyone you know.

    Keep blaming me for your tendencies though.

  4. Toby

    Imagine for a moment how this looks to an outsider. What would it take to convince you that I am in fact an outsider who has been drawn in to this bizarre internet rivalry? If nothing I say would convince you, then you’re beyond reason.

    Your spat with Mr Ghost would have to be pretty deep for him to bother pretending to be a third party, but maybe you think he’s that far gone. This is probably only convincing you more.

    What’s more likely? You could run a textual analysis of our writing style to find out. Mr Ghost would be quite a clever chap to conceal his natural use of language.

    I’m still curious as to what your initial comment about the Russian economy meant. By all means treat me like an idiot and spell it out.

  5. Toby

    This is funny. Ghost extends an olive branch with one hand and takes it back with the other. Then Leon accepts it and instantly throws it back in Ghost’s face.

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