POLL: Should Labour bring back Alan Johnson?

POLL: Should Labour bring Alan Johnson back?

Former cabinet minister David Blunkett has said that Ed Miliband should bring back some “oldies” to his top team, specifically the former postman turned politician Alan Johnson.

Johnson quit his role as shadow chancellor in 2010 and has been on the backbenches ever since.

But is it now the time to bring him back? Could Labour benefit from having someone with a more ‘ordinary’ background in the cabinet, or would it be too much like a return to the past? Let us know by voting in our poll.

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12 Responses to “POLL: Should Labour bring back Alan Johnson?”

  1. SimonB

    Shorter Blunkett: More righties please!

  2. Bazylek

    Alam Johnson would even make a better leader than Ed Miliband

  3. Michael Carey

    No, he was lionised for a while in the media purely because of his mediocrity and the usefulness of his ‘tamed ex-worker’ backstory to conservatism.

  4. Brian F Kirkham

    Mr Johnson happens to have had his time in the limelight – he’s also a prominent guest on a late night political discussion programme – and enjoys occasional criticism of the current leadership….if he were to come back into the fold he’d have to show support for the decisions his leader is making……

  5. swatnan

    He hasn’t much to offer these days.

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