Four chasing every UK job

Four people are chasing every job in England, Scotland and Wales, and in some areas more than 10 jobseekers are chasing each vacancy, according to a new survey.

Four people are chasing every job in England, Scotland and Wales, and in some areas more than 10 jobseekers are chasing each vacancy, according to a new survey.

London is one of the worst hit regions: in Hackney there were more than 20 claimants for every vacant job.

In 113 local authorities there were five or more jobseekers for each vacancy, and in 26 of these there were more than ten jobseekers chasing each vacancy, the survey by Unison found.

Key findings:

In 26 local authorities, more than ten or more Job Seekers Allowance (JSA) claimants are chasing every vacant job.

In another 87 local authority areas there are between five and ten unemployed people chasing every job vacancy.

In a further 108 local authority areas there are 3 or more but less than five JSA claimants for every unfilled vacancy.

In 10 of London’s 32 Borough’s there are more than 10 people chasing every vacancy.

In every local authority in the North East there are more than five people chasing every job vacancy.

The hardest hit area is the Isle of Wight where for every vacancy there are 23.7 people on Job Seekers Allowance.

20 Responses to “Four chasing every UK job”

  1. Old Albion

    Your ability to read my mind wrongly indicates you have mental issues. Have you spoken to a Psychiatrist recently……………you should.

  2. Newsbot9

    That’s right, since you have no rebuttal to my points you instantly show your Social Darwinism and lash out… how dare I read your posts?

    Alternatively, sure, give me the details and I’ll do your referral form for you.

  3. Old Albion

    Rebuttal to your points!!!! What points? you talk in phsyco-babble.
    Stop trolling. It’s a dirty habit.

  4. Newsbot9

    Ah yes, the equivalence attacks start up again. Thanks for admitting you don’t read my posts because they contain facts, troll!

  5. ZoriWeLoveTrainingCoursescouk

    23.7 people per vacancy – this is disturbing. They are really the most badly affected by this economic crisis and not the only ones.

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