More spending cuts on the way if coalition is to meet savings targets

If the coalition is to meet its spending targets it will have to make further cuts to departmental budgets.

Public sector job losses could be significantly more than one million, according to a report published yesterday by the Institute for Fiscal Studies.

Due to the government’s failure to hit its savings targets, job losses in the public sector could be 300,000 higher by the end of 2017/18 than predicted, according to the IFS’s annual analysis of the government’s spending plans.

Within the IFS’s report, however, was also contained the prediction that, if the government continues to ring-fence the NHS budget, overseas aid and schools, spending cuts will need to be significantly more severe if the coalition is to meet the targets of its fiscal consolidation plan.

As things stand, just to keep his current savings plan on track, George Osborne will need to make much larger cuts to departmental budgets than he originally intended.

As we can see from the graphs below, the bar on the left represents what the government intends to cut while the bar on the right represents what the government will need to cut unless it reconsiders its policy of ring-fencing select budgets or increases government revenue through tax rises.

As the report phrases it:

“If such further cuts to departmental spending are not possible without a decline in the quality or quantity of public services that is unacceptable to politicians or to voters, then higher borrowing, further tax increases or social security spending cuts – perhaps after the next general election – must be on the cards.”

132 Responses to “More spending cuts on the way if coalition is to meet savings targets”

  1. Absolutely_Passionate

    I’m not aware that there is anyone in the UK who cannot afford 49p for a pint of milk.

    I think you’re making it up. Just like the starving millions that don’t exist.

  2. Newsbot9

    No, you’re not aware. You’re deliberately not aware. You refuse to see, to read the stories, to hear what’s happening.

    Of course you accuse anyone who speaks of it to be lying, or you’d have to admit your war on the poor was a terrible mistake. You’re a good Tory.

  3. Absolutely_Passionate

    Well I already asked you for a link to these so called “stories” but you refused to provide one.

    When I googled “starvation in the UK”, I found articles about anorexia. I don’t think anorexia is a problem caused by poverty, quite the opposite in fact.

    We need to see some evidence, otherwise it’s case dismissed.

  4. Newsbot9

    Yes, you dismiss everything which might possibly shatter your worldview. Your multiple personalities will dismiss this just like everything else, of course, in your Jihad, but…let’s see..

  5. Absolutely_Passionate

    The Daily Express? You’re kidding right?
    Now I understand why you use the term “stories”.
    This is sensationalist nonsense, designed to sell papers and line Mr Desmond’s pockets,

    “Tim Lobstein is a visiting fellow at the Science Policy Research Unit,
    University of Sussex. He is also director of the Childhood Obesity
    Programme at the International Obesity Task Force in London. He has
    published extensively in the area of childhood obesity and previously
    was the director of the Food Commission UK.”

    Childhood obesity eh!
    I dare say he also drives a rather nice car, lives in a rather nice house and receives a rather nice salary!

    If you believe everything you read in the papers you’ll love this one:

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