Cameron the global statesman contrasts with Miliband’s wholly domestic speech

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Having been wholly omitted from Ed Miliband's leader’s speech last week, David Cameron put foreign affairs at the front of his conference speech today.

Having been wholly omitted from Ed Miliband’s leader’s speech last week, David Cameron put foreign affairs at the front of his conference speech today. On Libya, international development and the Arab Spring, he made the case for an international, interventionist policy – putting himself at odds with many in his own party but on the right side of history.

Stressing it was not only the right thing to do but was in our national interest, the prime minister said:

“This is a party – ours is a country – that never walks on by. Earlier this year some people said to me: ‘Libya’s not our concern’, ‘don’t start what you can’t finish’, and even – ‘Arabs don’t do democracy’.

“But if we had stood aside this spring, people in Benghazi would have been massacred. And don’t let anyone say this wasn’t in our national interest… Let’s be proud of the part we played in giving the Libyan people the chance to take back their country.”

One of Miliband’s only references to the world outside our borders was the bravery of UK troops in Afghanistan, a point expanded on by Cameron:

“In Afghanistan today, there are men and women fighting for Britain as bravely as any in our history. They come from across our country: England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland. They now have the equipment they need. And we’re on target to bring them home by the end of 2014.

“Theirs has been a campaign of incredible courage and sacrifice, and I know everyone in this hall will want to send a message to everyone who serves and who have served. Those in uniform in our armed forces and in our police. And those not in uniform, keeping us safe from terrorism on our streets.

“We’re proud of you. We salute you. Thank you.”

And on international development, again completely (inexplicably not just on principle but especially given the heartbreaking video intro from Aung San Suu Kyi minutes before he came on stage), absent from Miliband’s speech, the Tory leader challenged the sceptics in his party and the press, insisting:

“…leadership in the world is about moral strength as much as military might. A few months ago I was in Nigeria, on a trade mission. While I was there, I visited a vaccination clinic. It was very hot, pretty basic and the lights kept going off.

“But to the rows of women, cuddling their babies, this place was a godsend. One of the nurses told me that if it wasn’t for British aid, many of those beautiful babies would be dead. In four years’ time, this country will have helped vaccinate more of the world’s poorest children than there are people in the whole of England.

“Of course, we’ll make sure your money goes to the people who need it most, and we’ll do it in a way that’s transparent and accountable. But I really believe, despite all our difficulties, that this is the right thing to do. That it’s a mark of our country, and our people, that we never turn our backs on the world’s poorest, and everyone in Britain can be incredibly proud of it.

“Leadership in fighting poverty. Leadership in fighting tyranny.”

On foreign affairs at least, plus points for Cameron, room for improvement for Miliband; there’s still a way to go before he can be imagined bestriding the globe receiving a hero’s welcome in Benghazi.

We will have reaction on the slightly less progressive domestic and economic policy elements of Cameron’s speech later this afternoon.

See also:

Liberal intervention won’t always be a ‘West only’ businessLuke Bozier, September 5th 2011

New report justifies aid to India and other Middle Income CountriesGareth Thomas MP, August 24th 2011

Where does NATO, Cameron, and the West stand after the Libyan intervention?Marcus Roberts, August 22nd 2011

Cameron stands firm on Libya as poll shows support for regime changeShamik Das, June 21st 2011

Don’t listen to the sceptics – India’s poorest will die without our aidAnas Sarwar MP, June 15th 2011

Commitment to ring fence UK aid welcome but questions remainDavid Taylor, October 21st 2010

Coalition deserves praise for leading the world on aid transparencyClaudia Elliot, June 7th 2010

11 Responses to “Cameron the global statesman contrasts with Miliband’s wholly domestic speech”

  1. Mr. Sensible

    I think you’re right Shamik; continuing to commit 0.5% of GDP to the world’s poorest is the right thing to do.

  2. David Dee

    A much re-drafted speech,amended to remove parts already passed by the whole government machinery and that would appear offensive delivered by amulti-millionaire, to empty chairs !!!

    Gosh I bet they,and I, are sorry that we missed it !!!!

  3. Integrity Trustees

    Cameron the global statesman contrasts with Miliband’s wholly domestic speech: writes @ShamikDas #CPC11

  4. Anon E Mouse

    I (begrudgingly) have to agree with you on the overseas aid Shamik Das.

    I would say I don’t like it going to India and other nuclear weapons owning countries but in principal helping the poor sounds right.

    In fairness to Ed Miliband he hasn’t said he would reduce the overseas aid so I presume it is a given that Labour would continue with the payments….

  5. mu-hamid pathan MYP

    Cameron the global statesman contrasts with Miliband’s wholly domestic speech: writes @ShamikDas #CPC11

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