Changes to your new look Left Foot Forward

You may have noticed some changes to Left Foot Forward today, in our presentation of comments, and in our sidebar.

You may have noticed some changes to Left Foot Forward today. Responding to our readers comments and suggestions, we’ve had a bit of a spring (well, autumn) clean.

From now on you can share links on Facebook (and see how many other people have done so), re-tweet our articles more easily, and leaving a comment is now a much cleaner business with the tweets in a separate space.

We have also changed some of our ‘Fighting For’ and ‘Fighting Against’ categories. ‘Safe communities’ has now become ‘Good society‘ and will focus on equality, security, and reciprocity. We feel this better reflects the growing interest in community campaigning as well as the debate sparked by ‘The Spirit Level’.

In our ‘Fighting Against’ list, ‘Public greed’ has become the more descriptive ‘Greed and corruption‘ while instead of just fighting against ‘Administrative incompetence’ we’ll now focus on the ‘Old politics including wasted votes, the demonisation of public servants, dog whistles on immigration and welfare recipients, and administrative incompetence.

In the sidebar, as well as being able to see the most read stories on Left Foot Forward, you will able to see the stories most commented upon (and in time most tweeted). You will be able to follow us on Facebook and Twitter more easily; and you will be able to contact us with story leads using our tip box.

You can also donate more easily, and sign up to our RSS feed and email service via the buttons in the top right-hand corner. And speaking of our email service, as you will know, we no longer send out a morning politics summary, but our weekly ‘Look Left‘ feature, which will also now be published on the website each Friday. We will also email out breaking news stories and analysis to our subscribers.

Thanks again for helping make us the top left-wing blog, and for all your suggestions and ideas. We’re always looking to improve, so if you do have any thoughts, please email or

11 Responses to “Changes to your new look Left Foot Forward”

  1. Andy Burkitt

    Really good with much cleaner look. The success of the site though will be the continued high quality of all of its articles and comments.

  2. Billy Blofeld

    Is there moderation on this blog? I hadn’t noticed.

    At last the re-tweet clutter is removed. The key things to improve on now are:

    1. Full financial breakdown of blog sponsors
    2. Joss Garman – who misrepresents climate science to make political points.

  3. Anon E Mouse

    Much better but I still prefer the person posting being in front of the comment…

    Agree with Billy Blofeld above on Joss Garman.

  4. Matt

    Seperating the comments from the retweets is a massive improvement. Although, as ‘Anon E Mouse’ states above, I prefer having the poster’s name appear before their comment…

  5. Mr. Sensible

    Mr Mouse and Matt, for me, although having the commenter’s name after the comment might take some getting used to, for me it is not a problem.

    I think it would be good if LFF displayed the articles in full on the main page, rather than us having to get half way down and then click on ‘read more.’

    Personally, how I read articles is I read them on the home page first, and then click on the comments link to read them.

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