Recent polls show steady dwindling of Tory lead

The latest opinion poll this morning showed the Tory lead down to ten points. It follows last week’s Observer poll which gave David Cameron only a six-pont lead

Today’s ComRes poll in the Independent shows Labour closing the gap on the Conservatives to just ten points – the lowest in this series for six months. It follows the Observer poll nine days ago that gave the Tories only a six point lead over Labour.

Since the European elections, where both main parties were hit badly by the expenses scandal and the performance of UKIP, ComRes have Labour steadily increasing, with the Conservatives only fleetingly breaking through the 40-point ceiling and now down in the mid-to-high 30s. Key, though, is the dwindling Tory lead, which may cause worries at Conservative HQ, with most experts calculating David Cameron’s need for at least a ten-point lead to be assured of victory.

UK Polling Report has more on the narrowing Tory lead; they say:

“The Conservatives’ level of support has fallen to around 39%. Of the ten polls this month, 7 have put them below forty, when every single poll in October had them at 40 or above, so it’s pretty clear they have dropped slightly (though to put this in context, they were polls showing them below 40 in September and almost all of of June).”

Among other notable results are the almost complete collapse in the BNP vote – just nine of the 1,003 people polled say they would definitely vote for the BNP if a General Election were held tomorrow – and the worryingly high number of voters who say they won’t vote at all, up three percentage points from mid-November to 17 per cent.

16 Responses to “Recent polls show steady dwindling of Tory lead”

  1. Tom Sheppard

    Recent polls show steady dwindling of Tory lead <- @nigelsheppard looking forward to that meal I'm going to win!

  2. simon

    the hysteria surrounding a few recent polls has really gripped Labour, hasn’t it?

    Shamik, were you making the same protestations when Bliar was winning your party huge landlsides?

  3. Shamik Das

    Simon, that’s an interesting point, comparing Tony 94-97 with DC 07-10 – I think you’ll find Labour were polling closer to 50 than 40 per cent during that period.

  4. blingmun

    Don’t get too excited about the relative decline of the Tories. People still detest Labour and the political class in general with a passion. They just detest the Tories a bit more than they did a month ago because like the other main parties they too have betrayed the people over the Constitution, sorry, Lisbon Treaty.

    Both Tories and Labour backed the war in Iraq. All major parties buy the climate scam and all reneged on Lisbon. We have no real choice to how we are governed thanks to the EU and a corruption of public discourse courtesy of Ne Labour’s lies and steady erosion of the democratic fabric in this country. The British political establishment has abused its custodianship and hence its right to govern. It has very little democratic legitimacy remaining and what’s left is being steadily dismantled in favour of the EU.

    John Locke inspired the American colonists to use force when he argued that a people has the right to remove by force a government that it cannot remove by any other means. As the enormity of the economic calamity becomes evident in people’s daily lives (thanks to Gordon Brown, the country is bankrupt), the illegitimacy, corruption and deceitfulness of our political elite will become ever more unbearable.

    Wise heads will explore legal and political means until all avenues have been exhausted but both the mob and the best enlightened minds in this country will become openly revolutionary over the next few years. I say this because I see no sign that any of the main political parties reform themselves, nor can Parliament and, given the de facto consensus re Lisbon, there is no mena of extricating the country from the EU.

    I fear we live in interesting times.

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