I’ve written an article for the latest edition of Fabian Review on how Labour needs to rethink its ‘middle Britain’ electoral strategy in light of the changes over the last 15 years in demography, geography, values, and politics.
I argue that “There is scant academic evidence that the focus on ‘Mondeo Man’ worked in electoral terms” and that the “most damning critique of the Middle Britain strategy is that it created no organisation able to support its aim and, instead, haemorrhaged support.” I go on to say:
“Building a new movement will not be easy. But the task will be harder still if the party doesn’t think hard about what has changed since 1992. While the mixed record suggests it would be wrong to continue without questioning the Middle Britain strategy, it would be equally foolish to hark back to a romantic notion of class-consciousness. Changing demography, geography, values, and political reality should all have a bearing on Labour’s next strategy.”
Ed Wallis has some kind words to say about it on Next Left as does Alex Smith on Labour List. The purpose of the essay was not to describe a new strategy but to set out the questions that the Labour party should ask itself in thinking about this election and those to come.
I’d be very interested to hear your views.
21 Responses to “Labour needs a new electoral strategy”
Anon E Mouse
Will – Popularity, like I said and your figures confirm, Brown is the least popular PM ever.
Alun Johnson I may vote for – Miliband no way – he is everything people dislike about Labour – careerists without a clue about the real world.
The reason you say “we are where we are” is because (for reasons beyond me) you still support Brown.
Are you afraid of a flying Nokia Mobile phone heading in your direction Will?
The leadership debates will show what a liability he is.
What makes me laugh is everyone knows how bad he is and for some reason the elephant in the room is being ignored.
Labour has lost it’s will to win elections – it smells of desperation in every interview a minister gives.
Labour should stop being reactive, it looks weak. The Tories have only announced one policy, Inheritance Tax and every time ministers get in front of a camera they go on and on about it.
The only people who care are the working class vote and not many of those to be honest. Those same working class voters will read the most popular newspaper in the UK and in their demographic – The Sun and that will explain how Labour are about to tax them 1% more in NI.
That’ll kill the Labour vote for sure and is the reason I think the election will be before May 6th.
My question to you Will is why not ditch Brown? The man doesn’t deserve any loyalty after the way his bullies, McBride and Co treated members of Labour.
You say the electorate won’t forgive you for two leaders in three years but they’ll appreciate that more than Brown.
Why so timid? Why so passive? Why so defeatist? If Labour activists are so ineffective why should anyone have any faith in the party?
If the Labour party won’t get rid of Brown the electorate will – stop making excuses for the inexcusable and be decisive man.