Former Blair adviser says Cameron not in “strong position”

David Cameron is polling nowhere near as good as Tony Blair at the same stage of the electoral cycle.

Benjamin Wegg-Prosser, Tony Blair’s former Director of Strategic Communications, has written on his blog that David Cameron is still some way behind Blair in 1996. Wegg-Prosser, Director of Strategy at one of Russia’s largest online media companies, has written on his blog:

“Taking Mori data Labour had not slipped below 48 percentage points from the moment that Blair became leader and had peaked at 61 per cent. Cameron today is in nothing like as strong a position, his ratings have touched 52 per cent but have also gone a low as 28 per cent. Crucially, Labour has shown it can eat into the Tories’ lead, as it did this week, during the peak financial crisis last year and during Brown’s early months in office.

“I suspect that the decision [of The Sun] to fall in behind Cameron has more to do with: the Sun’s declining circulation (they love a drop of good PR in East London); the fact that News International’s new chief executive wants to flex her political muscles; and pressure from the Tories who want to bring the paper’s still considerable campaigning weight behind their efforts as we enter the home straight of the electoral cycle.”

And Cameron has been dealt a further blow by YouGov’s latest tracker poll which saw the Tory lead over Labour cut in half from 16 points to seven – the Tories on 37 per cent (down three) and Labour on 30 per cent (up six).

12 Responses to “Former Blair adviser says Cameron not in “strong position””

  1. Simon

    Shamik, businessmen seldom rubbish their own products. Populus is a commercial organisation after all. Anyway, on a general note its good to see a civilised leftish web site up and running.

  2. Madasafish

    Latest Daily YouGov poll gives a 14% lead to the Tories.

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