They’re called ‘primary’ schools for a reason

If we are serious about raising school results, we’ll have to target resources towards early years and catch-up classes in primary schools. This will require the government to make tough decisions about spending on secondary education.

There’s something badly wrong with our welfare system

Today’s figures should open up debate on how to reform the current system of tax credits and benefits. What is clear is that more needs to be done to address the growing number of people who are actively contributing to society but yet are finding it increasingly difficult just to get by.

School spending cannot be cut like this without compromising standards

I cannot be the only person with personal experience of managing schools whose jaw dropped at reading the headlines of the Reform report launched last week: Must Do Better: Spending on Schools. Based on lots of number crunching of data tables, it came to the conclusion that school spending could be cut by close to 20 per cent without compromising standards.