To rebuild Britain small business and state enterprise will have to come together
Kevin Gulliver argues that Labour will need the ‘big battalions’ of the state and the ‘little platoons’ of civic society to build a fairer Britain.
Kevin Gulliver argues that Labour will need the ‘big battalions’ of the state and the ‘little platoons’ of civic society to build a fairer Britain.
A year on from Grenfell, the Tories’ new Green Paper on social housing will barely cover the cracks when it comes to the growing precariousness faced by tenants.
The Tories should be building at least 30,000 new affordable homes each year. Last year they built less than 6,000.
The government’s housing record is less than stellar, but Secretary of State James Brokenshire still thought it ok to threaten the Mayor of London on his. Tom Copley AM writes.
We could reconcile the housing interests of different groups, so that the market works for property owners and people who do not own houses but desperately want to.
Housing campaigners have long been calling for an end to Section 21. Now two London Assembly members are calling on Mayor Sadiq Khan to ban it in the capital.
The government has announced plans to extend default tenancy agreements from six months to three years. But campaigners argue it won’t solve the problem.
In a speech at the Royal Institute of British Architects, the Lib Dem leader put forward a set of proposals to tackle Britain’s housing crisis. But Kevin Gulliver is not convinced.
A report showing how the scheme will fail in the next five years did not come as a surprise. The end of council housing was the plan all along.
Nearly ten years of Conservative government has meant a spiralling crisis in social housing. But not accidentally so, Kevin Gulliver writes.