Forget Wallace, what Miliband doesn’t have is sufficient distinction in the message
If Miliband can’t win on style, substance becomes more important, but I’m not sure Labour really understand this.
If Miliband can’t win on style, substance becomes more important, but I’m not sure Labour really understand this.
As a populist stunt, it is certainly a clever one.
In trashing the legacy of Tony Blair you are essentially sticking two fingers up at the electorate.
New polling reveals that Labour councillors are optimistic about 2015 but Ed Miliband viewed as a hindrance.
The Mail seems intent on becoming a mouthpiece for the Big Six.
The A&E crisis starts in the GP’s surgery. Labour should make more of this.
Ed Miliband beware: people don’t vote for policies, they vote for governments.
Miliband’s plans have upset the private sector but also angered rail unions.
Miliband’s challenge will be persuading people that government can make a difference without simply throwing money at things.
Ed Miliband must show that he can succeed where so many before him have struggled.