Scrapping EMA will force many 16-19 year olds to leave school

As Education Minister Michael Gove allegedly raised a glass of wine to celebrate the Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR), thousands of the country’s poorest teenagers would have been debating whether to go to college following the Government’s announcement to “replace” Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA).

Sun ignores voters’ discontent over cuts

The latest YouGov poll, commissioned by The Sun newspaper, paints a mixed picture of how the cuts have been received by voters – however the poll data does not represent a conclusive endorsement of the Coalition Government’s, which The Sun would have you believe.

IFS: Tax and benefit changes are regressive

Today the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) said that the Government’s plan for fiscal consolidation is regressive, and will hit the poorest disproportionately hard, once cuts to welfare are fully taken into account.