Building Up: How Brownfield Planning Passports Can Lift the UK out of its Housing Crisis
Incorporating density bonuses into brownfield planning passports can unlock new supply and ensure more schemes meet affordable housing thresholds
Incorporating density bonuses into brownfield planning passports can unlock new supply and ensure more schemes meet affordable housing thresholds
Proportional is clearly more democratic than first-past-the-post. But European far-right shifts and the growth of Reform UK are not good optics.
Labour won the election with promises to partially reform the Lords, clean up politics, and improve access to elections.
We know that driving up employment standards is good for workers, good for business and good for growth
Labour’s next task is to address the maladies that have scarred the country for the last decade and beyond
The high priests of neoliberalism do not want to shackle capital or curb profiteering.
I share a message of cautious optimism as well as a plea for continued support – money and volunteers
To sum up, contrary to newspaper headlines the entire rail system is not being renationalised
“Women make up half our population. Their suffering should not be treated as normal.”
‘It’s absurd that some parents are having to turn to credit cards or borrow money to afford nursery costs.’