Progressive Conservatives present the “mutual executive”
The Institute of Government recently played host to a panel of Conservatives, more infamously/famously known (depending on which side of the fence you sit) as the Red Tories.
The Institute of Government recently played host to a panel of Conservatives, more infamously/famously known (depending on which side of the fence you sit) as the Red Tories.
The economic Lib Dems are seemingly finding common ground with Tory ideology, but the sticking point was and is always going to be the other side of the Lib Dem fence where Mr Huhne and the like reside.
The keynote speech at Saturday’s Progreess conference was a clear and concise offer from David Miliband, a message centred around ‘building a movement’.
Speaking at this year’s Progress conference, Andy Burnham MP spoke of a genuine “fear and loathing” from traditional voters lost by Labour since 1997.
Panelists at the Next Left conference stressed the need for Labour not to underestimate the threat posed by the new government, echoing Ed Miliband’s comments.