Bobby Dean MP: Lib Dems are ‘tentatively supportive’ of Labour government’s agenda

The new Lib Dem MP also said he was "sceptical about some of the mood music"

Bobby Dean MP

Bobby Dean is the MP for Carshalton and Wallington. Elected in the 2024 general election, he’s now a part of the largest ever group of Lib Dem MPs.

At this year’s Liberal Democrat conference in Brighton, Left Foot Forward spoke to a number of newly elected MPs – including Dean – about their first few months in the House of Commons and what they make of the early days of the new Labour government.

“The jury’s still out really”, Dean initially said of Keir Starmer’s first two months in office, before going on to add: “We are encouraged by some of the things they’re doing and tentatively supportive of some of the direction that they’ve set out.”

Asked what specific policies he welcomes Labour introducing, Dean told Left Foot Forward: “I was pleased to see, obviously, the introduction of the Renters’ Rights Bill earlier this week. And I actually made my maiden speech on the Budget Responsibility Bill, so that further accountability of the public finances is a welcome thing.”

Despite this positivity, Dean said that there are other areas where he has concerns. He echoed the sentiments of his fellow Lib Dems who have throughout this year’s conference been been talking of the need for investment in the NHS.

Dean said he was “sceptical about some of the mood music that’s been put out there – particularly in relation to investment in public services.” He went on to add: “The mood music on that sounds very bleak. We’ve been trying to make the case this conference that we really do need to invest in our public services – in particular healthcare”.

Left Foot Forward also asked Dean what issues he intends to prioritise as an MP, to which he said that “economic justice” is top of his list: “I’m really interested in economic justice more broadly, in poverty and inequality. I want to watch what Labour’s doing around welfare reform, and make sure they’re learning the right lessons on that.”

What does economic justice mean in practice? For Dean, it is ensuring people have: “sufficient healthcare, suitable housing, all the foundations you need to be able to exploit opportunity in life.”

The NHS. Housing. Welfare. These are no doubt going to be major issues dominating much of this parliament. It’s unlikely to be a quiet few years for this MP.

Chris Jarvis is head of strategy and development at Left Foot Forward

Image credit: UK Parliament – Creative Commons

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