Shouts of ‘shame on you’ at Rishi Sunak during Question Time leaders debate

Yet another bruising debate for Sunak

RishI Sunak

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak was subjected to shouts of ‘shame on you’ by the BBC Question Time audience after he slammed ‘foreign courts’ for enforcing the ECHR.

During yet another bruising general election debate, Sunak was grilled over his claims he is prepared to lead the UK out of the European Court of Human Rights.

An audience member then told him that there were only two countries in the world that don’t subscribe to the ECHR ‘Russia and Belarus’.

Sunak then said we didn’t need a ‘foreign court’ to tell us how to police our borders, before shouts of ‘shame on you’ directed at the Prime Minister.

Basit Mahmood is editor of Left Foot Forward

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