Green Party co-leader makes powerful case for ending arms sales to Israel on Question Time

Adrian Ramsay said arms sales to Israel were 'unacceptable'

Green Party co-leader Adrian Ramsay

The Green Party’s co-leader appeared on a special edition of Question Time this evening as part of the BBC’s general election coverage.

Ramsay faced a series of probing questions from the show’s host Fiona Bruce on comments made by Green Party candidates on the ongoing situation in Gaza.

Responding to this, Ramsay said that people needed to take care in how they discussed the issue, but also made a powerful case for ending arms sales to Israel.

Speaking on the programme, he said: “What we need to be very aware of in talking about this is that there are Jewish communities and Muslim communities in the UK and around the world feeling very vulnerable at the moment. And all of us – and I’d say this to candidates of any party – need to be very aware of that when we’re talking about this issue.

“But that won’t stop me standing up and saying that the UK needs to play its role internationally – putting pressure for there to be a ceasefire from both sides. And in saying that it’s absolutely unacceptable for the UK to continue selling arms to Israel when the International Criminal Court has been very clear that Israel as well as Hamas has broken international law.”

Ramsay’s call for ending arms sales was met with applause by the studio audience.

Chris Jarvis is head of strategy and development at Left Foot Forward

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