Just 1% of 18 to 24 year olds will vote Tory

When it comes to overall voting intention, the survey puts Labour on 45% of the vote nationally among all age brackets, with the Tories falling back to 24%.

Rishi Sunak in Aberdeen

A new poll by YouGov has found that just 1% of 18-24 year olds would vote for the Conservative Party were a general election to be held tomorrow.

It shows just how unpopular the Tory party is among younger voters, after 13 years of growing inequality, a cost of living crisis, public services falling apart and after Sunak carried out a U-turn on net zero policies.

The poll, carried out for the Times also found that support for the Tories was also falling among older voters, with just 32% of the over 65s saying that they would vote Tory if an election were held tomorrow. Meanwhile, support among the 50-64 age group drops to 19%.

Among those aged 25-49, only 8% of those asked said that they will be voting Conservative if a general election were held tomorrow, while 36% say they would vote Labour.

When it comes to overall voting intention, the survey puts Labour on 45% of the vote nationally among all age brackets, with the Tories falling back to 24%.

The poll findings came ahead of Tory party conference, where the most popular politician among Tory members seems to be Liz Truss who continues to champion her disastrous economic policies which led to financial turmoil.

Basit Mahmood is editor of Left Foot Forward

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