"A free, independent and plural media is essential to the functioning of a healthy democracy."

Just three companies control 90% of the UK’s national newspaper market, in what’s been labelled a ‘dangerous level of concentrated ownership’ of UK media.
The “Who Owns the UK Media?” 2023 report, published by the Media Reform Coalition at Goldsmiths University, found that three companies – DMG Media, News UK and Reach – control 90% of the UK’s national newspaper market. The three companies also control 40% of online reach.
Press Gazette also reports: “The data suggests that if DMG Media were to succeed in its expected bid to acquire Telegraph Media Group it would increase its print market share from 42% to 47%.
“DMG Media’s share of the online news market is estimated at around 10% looking at just the top-50 UK newsbrands.”
The report warned that the dominance of the three publishers of print and online news, gave them “an unrivalled position for setting the news agenda”.
Tom Chivers, researcher at the Media Reform Coalition, said: “A free, independent and plural media is essential to the functioning of a healthy democracy. However, these findings show that the UK media is dominated by a tiny handful of corporate media moguls and ‘big tech’ tycoons.
“Across our newspapers, TV channels, radio stations and online platforms, these companies hold a dangerous level of power to dictate our national conversation and influence the political agenda to favour their own interests.”
That our news media is dominated by a tiny group of media moguls shows just how much influence they have to set the news agenda and to promote their own vested interests.
It also shows why we need independent news outlets such as LFF which are not owned by media moguls and are therefore free to report on issues as issues as we wish, bringing us free and independent media at a time when it is much needed.
Basit Mahmood is editor of Left Foot Forward
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