Daily Mail mocked for piece attacking ‘woke’ and ‘climate alarmist Met Office’ amid heatwave crisis

The record-breaking temperatures yesterday meant that the fire service in London faced its busiest day since the second world war, as fires raged throughout the country.

No Planet B

The Daily Mail has been ridiculed for giving a lead comment slot yesterday to a writer attacking the supposedly ‘woke’ and ‘climate alarmist Met Office’, even as the country saw record temperatures, with Sadiq Khan confirming that yesterday was the busiest day for London’s firefighters since World War II.

The piece, headlined: “Why can’t the Met Office just tell us the weather, instead of spreading alarm and scolding us with doom-laden lectures?”, took aim at the Met Office for ‘spreading alarm’.

Its sin was to highlight just how much of a threat and danger soaring temperatures posed to the health of the British people as well as to the infrastructure of the UK.

It was highlighted by Leo Hickman, Director of Carbon Brief, that the writer of the piece, Stephen Robinson, is according to his linkedin profile a ‘speech writer and consultant’ for ‘companies operating in the energy sector’. So much for journalism.

The revelations drew much criticism online, with Deborah Meaden tweeting: “Oh. Biased to the extreme then.” Best for Britain tweeted: “To clarify, this is an entire editorial berating the Met Office for believing in climate science and no longer using 70s-style magnets, written in the style of a Hovis commercial. ~AA.”

The record-breaking temperatures yesterday meant that the fire service in London faced its busiest day since the second world war, as fires raged throughout the country.

There was also a surge in the number of 999 calls being made, with hospitals cancelling operations due to the heatwave.

The Daily Mail has also been mocked for its contrasting front pages in recent days, having initially printed a front page on the 19th of July bemoaning snowflakes for having a meltdown over a ‘sunny day’ , and then changing its tone and today going for the headline: “Nightmare of the wildfires’.

Basit Mahmood is editor of Left Foot Forward

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