Left Foot Forward: Our purpose and values

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Here's what we stand for.

Since 2009, Left Foot Forward has been providing hard-hitting news and comment on UK politics, written by and for the Left. We’ve published more than 16,000 articles from nearly 1,800 writers.

We recently did some thinking, drawing on the views of readers, writers, staff and supporters to renew our mission – in other words, what we’re here for. Because it’s good to have this stuff written down for all to see. And to hold ourselves accountable to it.

So, without fanfare, here are Left Foot Forward‘s Purpose and Values.

LFF’s Purpose: What we exist to do

  1. Shining a Light on the Right: Exposing regressive policies, cronyism and hypocrisy
  2. A Forum for Fresh Thinking: Promoting progressive solutions to key issues facing the UK and the world
  3. A Platform for Debate: Providing a cross-party and independent space for respectful discussion among progressives
  4. More Space for the Margins: Highlighting news and ideas that get buried in the wider media, and striving to be as diverse as possible

LFF’s Values: What drives our journalism

  1. For the Left: We stand with progressive movements and campaigns to create a more equal, green and socially-just society
  2. Evidence-based: We stand by our high journalistic standards, and will always strive to publish the truth. Journalism should be rigorous and rebellious
  3. Transparent: We stand for honesty. We’ll be clear about our funders and when we make mistakes, too
  4. Open: We’ll be accessible to our readers and want an open, ongoing conversation – to constantly improve our hard-hitting journalism
  5. Non-partisan: We’re not aligned with any one party. We’ll be a space for progressive ideas and values across and outside of parties

Got a question or a comment? Get in touch: editor@leftfootforward.org

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