Why Saturday’s Brexit march could change the course of politics

This is our chance to show the tide is turning, writes the NUS' Erica Ramos.

The history of Students’ Unions has always been one of perseverance against the odds, and activism in the face of adversary. For over 100 years, we’ve fought for student rights, an improved educational experience and a fairer and more just society.

I’m proud to be part of that tradition. On Saturday, at noon, hundreds of thousands – led by students and young people – will come together for one of the biggest and most important protests this country has ever seen.

Brexit impacts all of us in so many different ways, but it will be clear on October 19th that we are all united by one thing; that we trust the people of the United Kingdom, not Boris Johnson, to solve this Brexit crisis.

For the students and students’ unions I represent, Brexit has been hanging over our heads for 3 years. EU students – such as myself – have been living in fear and uncertainty. Universities and colleges have been unable to plan ahead. Research projects are being curtailed. Fees look set to rise. Countless vital projects and programmes scrapped or unstable.

Students and young people have always been the ones most likely to hit the hardest by a Brexit-led economic downturn, and to suffer the consequences for the longest.

So it is unsurprising that the overwhelming majority of us voted to stay in the European Union in 2016, and over 75% of students want a People’s Vote.

When I address the crowds on Saturday, the call to action will be clear. In less than a fortnight, the government want to succeed in forcing a Brexit on us which is a million miles away from what he once promised.

And while the people of this country descend on the streets of central London, it looks likely that Members of Parliament will be debating the future of Brexit – in the first Saturday sitting since the Falklands War.

The contrast, between a Prime Minister inside Parliament trying to force his Brexit on the people and the huge crowds of protesters outside Parliament demanding the people have the Final Say, will be one of the most striking visual images of this entire crisis.

And make no mistake, we will make sure we are so loud that MPs won’t be able to ignore us. No one knows what the future will bring. But the past tells an often unsaid truth.

When different parts of society unite; when the young and old, the rich and the poor, north and south come together. We can change the course of human history.

On Saturday, I believe we will.

Erica Ramos is Vice-President Union Development of the National Union of Students and a supporter of For our Future’s Sake.

The march will assemble on Park Lane from 1200 Hrs. From approximately 1230 Hrs, the march proceed through the centre of the capital to Parliament Square where there will be speeches from political leaders, campaigners and people from all walks of life.

11 Responses to “Why Saturday’s Brexit march could change the course of politics”

  1. Anon

    @Alasdair Macdonald

    We do indeed know more now – including the EU’s desire for its own funds – direct taxation of every individual – and an EU army.

    But the seemingly ignorant amongst us have been aware of these facts for a very long time.
    One can not observe the windmilling arms and the Hitler-like rhetoric of somebody like Guy Verhofstadt without realising the agenda behind their words.

  2. Alasdair Macdonald


    There are flaws in the EU and many people voted LEAVE because they perceived these to be significant. For example, there has always been a left-wing critique of the EU since the Coal and Steel Community was established in the aftermath of the Second World War.

    But, there have also been strong arguments in favour of the EU, which people, like I, viewed as being of more benefit than the ‘downsides’ which I perceived.

    The problem with the 2016 debate (and the continual of misinformation and xenophobia about the EU which came from most of our media since the 1960s) was that it was wrongly conceived by Mr Cameron and the debate on both sides, substantially, was mendacious. The kinds of things which the Parliamentary and legal debate have revealed have led to a more informed populace. Over the seven decades since WW2 ended, the demographic of the UK has changed markedly and the post-1945 world has evolved significantly. many people are unaware of the history and of how institutions developed as they have. To a great extent this is due to the lack of transparency, to vested interests excluding people from participation in governance. The gimcrack nature of the British ‘constitution’ has contributed significantly to this exclusion.

    My own view is that Brexit is a coup by a small group of wealthy and powerful financial interests, who see the rules based structures of the EU as a curtailment of their desire to do things in their own narrow interests. The imminence of the EU’s controls on financial transactions is the major, but, largely, obscured and little reported aspect of this discourse.

  3. Ben

    I respect your views but HESA Student record reports In 2017–18, there were 2.34 million students studying at UK higher education institutions.
    Small percentage of population really.

  4. David

    2.4 million students is not a small number compared to the 16000+ Tory voters Who put unelected Johnson into power.
    Many elderly voters for obvious reasons will not be able to march but will be supporting it.
    The loyal taxpayers will suffer most if a poor/no deal leave is passed, whilst the “financiers will make millions of pounds
    As no- deal has been ruled out, the PEOPLES VOTE should be between, Johnson’s final proposed deal or remain

  5. Guru Lady

    As usual so many comments are replete with prejudice, and reflect so little depth of thought. Too many views and too little basis for them. This is not altogether the fault of those concerned, but nevertheless, most people just seem to bang on, fired by their egos more than inspired by their own knowledge and awareness of the facts of the situation. So much of the agenda for all of this, is made of ‘smoke and mirrors’! Politicians must be forced to be made more accountable, and so must the media. Mostly we are only able to form our views, and our voting tendencies according to propaganda. It gets worse and worse!

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