The Green Party has decided to stand aside their candidates in Richmond Park and North Kingston and Twickenham for the general election.
The members of the local party voted on this in a meeting last night. The Green Party are currently discussing a progressive alliance with other parties in both constituencies.
The Liberal Democrats currently hold Richmond Park after Sarah Olney won the seat in a by-election triggered by former Conservative MP Zac Goldsmith who stood as an independent. Goldsmith is standing again, this time as a Conservative candidate.
Twickenham is currently held by the Conservatives, who have a majority of around 2,000. The Liberal Democrats came in second in 2015 when former minister Vince Cable lost his seat. Cable is standing again in an attempt to win back Twickenham.
Richard Bennett, Richmond and Twickenham Green Party co-chair said:
We are proud to be at the vanguard of a growing movement to create a new kind of politics. Progressive parties must work together to put country before party.
7 Responses to “Greens stand aside in Richmond Park and Twickenham”
It’s all very well, but Scottish Labour will still be helping the tory candidates to beat nats so that pretty much cancels out any benefit.
My feeling is that people must vote in which ever way they feel will be of benefit to GB as a whole. If that means voting out a party rather than voting possitively then so be it.
While we have this very undemocratic “first past the post” system in place, then we have little chance to be represented properly.
Also it would be good to find the occasional “honest” politician who told the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth!
The money they save can be spent elsewhere. And so this makes sense.
Whether they should actually endorse the LD candidates is a separate matter though.
I certainly hope this election ends Goldsmith’s career.
John Green
Jeremy Bernard Corbyn
Dear Mr. Corbyn,
I have been deeply interested in politics all my life and have voted in every election, general and local, since the 1950s, except for those periods of my life when I have lived abroad. I have to confess that I had never heard of you until two years ago when you were plucked from the dark recesses of the Labour backbenches and your name was added in the last few seconds to the list of candidates for the leadership of your party. It was widely recognised that you were to play the role of useful idiot in order to make the other four drab candidates look interesting. Against all predictions you won the contest and I congratulate you.
At that time, your party was riding high in the opinion polls, having narrowly lost a general election in which Labour was the bookies favourite to win, up until an exit poll was announced as the polling booths closed. Since those heady times I have followed your career with interest. Under your stewardship, Labour has experienced the most dramatic decline in public support in several generations. Your party now faces the most humiliating defeat in the pending general election. Your personal rating is at record levels of negativity. You have been declared “useless” by 80% of Labour party MPs, the people you are supposed to be leading. The majority of Labour counsellors apparently have the same opinion of you and you have lost the support of half of traditional Labour voters.
A recent survey could not find a single Labour candidate wishing to have you campaigning in their constituencies and none will feature your name or picture on their literature. As far as your own campaigning goes, you are only attending rallies organised by Momentum, your Praetorian guard, in secure locations where you can be surrounded by braying crowds of devoted cult members waving placards.
My question is, what happens next? What is your plan, Mr Corbyn? You have already secured your place in British political history as the most spectacularly useless party leader. Your place in the Guinness Book of Records is secure for all time.
Anyone with an iota of decency, honesty and self-respect would face this situation, accept responsibility and resign. You show no sign of doing so. How much worse do you want it to get? What is your plan, Mr Corbyn
This is good news! Great opportunity to show an opinion!