Union calls for action after Cameron 'lobbying' claims
Theresa May should invite Uber drivers to Downing Street for ‘tea and biscuits’, says the GMB trade union, after the tech firm’s cosy relationship with the last Prime Minister was revealed in a Daily Mail exposé.
David Cameron intervened in late 2015 against moves by then London Mayor Boris Johnson to clampdown on Uber’s business practices, according to senior sources and Freedom of Information requests.
The Mail noted various criticisms of the taxi service, but left out it’s shortchanging drivers on basic workers’ rights by defining them as ‘self-employed’.
Today GMB demanded answers over the government’s links with Uber, and suggested Cameron’s successor, Theresa May, meet Uber drivers to discuss backing them against employers taking advantage.
Maria Ludkin, GMB Legal Director, said:
“GMB Uber Drivers need the government to come clean about its cosy relationship with Uber.
While our members are on the outside of the Westminster bubble calling for change so that they can make a decent living – enforcement of the minimum wage, basic workplace rights for example – Uber seems to have working with the government to stack the deck, which is a bit rich given they’re not huge fans of paying their taxes.”
She noted GMB members won a ‘damning verdict’ against Uber in an employment tribunal to prove they are workers entitled to full rights, though Uber is appealing the decision.
Ludkin added:
“If Number 10 would like to invite GMB Uber drivers in for tea and biscuits to discuss putting the gig economy on the same even playing field as other similar companies who comply with the law in this country, I’m sure they’d be more than happy to oblige.”
Adam Barnett is staff writer for Left Foot Forward. Follow him on Twitter @AdamBarnett13
See: Gig economy transfers risks to workers and power to bosses
2 Responses to “Theresa May should invite Uber drivers for tea in Downing Street, says GMB”
I been minicab driver for 10 year why minicab fare is not going up uber fare is very low uber should shut down other wise later will be a big problem I think govement should take action to minicab office and uber. By law fare should be one mile £5 there after £2.20per mile minicab driver buy a car less than 5 year first time vehicle licence that wrong I think first time pco Licence for vehicle should be 7 year old driver can afford to buy a car
My experience is govement should take action on uber driver work hard end off the week driver not taking money at home
There are more than a decision! How about the insurance? Who pays for it?