Brexit voters are ditching Labour

More than half of those who voted Labour and Leave have abandoned the party


Labour has lost the support of more than half of those who voted Labour in 2015 and Brexit in 2016, according to new Times/YouGov polling.

Just 48 per cent of Brexit-backing Labour voters said they would stick with the party in the next election. Nine per cent said they would switch to the Tories and eight per cent to UKIP.

Since 35 per cent of 2015 Labour voters also voted Leave, this is a serious threat to the party’s voteshare, and MPs are scrambling to find the right answer on Brexit.

Only a third of Labour voters support leadership contender Owen Smith’s proposal of a second referendum or general election on whatever Brexit deal is negotiated by the government. 47 per cent think Labour should accept the result but pursue a close relationship.

Among Labour’s Leave voters, 49 per cent want a stricter system of immigration controls, reinforcing the opinion that on immigration the leadership is out of touch with the members.

Yesterday, Chuka Umunna told the Huffington Post that ‘if continuation of the free movement we have is the price of Single Market membership then clearly we couldn’t remain in the Single Market.’

He echoes another former frontbencher Rachel Reeves, who has said that ‘immigration controls and ending free movement has to be a red line post-Brexit — otherwise we will be holding voters in contempt.’

However, the poll suggest that immigration is not the most significant reason for Labour voters jumping ship. Of those who have abandoned the party since 2015, 71 per cent give Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership as their number one reason.

Polls in the leadership contest closed yesterday and the results will be announced tomorrow. Corbyn remains the overwhelming favourite.

See also: Labour shouldn’t fall into the Leave campaign’s trap on immigration

10 Responses to “Brexit voters are ditching Labour”

  1. Linda Chadwick

    Owen Smith wants a second referendum, Jeremy Corbyn is unelectable for the general population. Therein lies my problem as a traditional Labour voter.

  2. Debbie

    There are more than 3,000 secondary schools in the UK. If we assume an average of 200 students in each year group, that represents 600 X 3,000 potential Labour voters in the next GE who are still at school atm.

    That represents nearly 2 million new votes across the country – Labour should be looking forward and NOT back!

  3. Rose Moore

    Utter rubbish I’m a labour member some would say old, I voted out I have no Intension of leaving the Labour Party and I do not know one out voter who is considering it .
    The Labour Party mam reshape is going from strength to strength .
    As for UKIP I would not give them the time of day .

  4. michael berry

    Another thing Nigel Farage was right about . No wonder the Remoaners hate him so .

  5. Derek Emery

    A gap is opening for a new party that is right of the Lib Dems but left of the Conservatives. Such a party with policies with policies addressing the new problems of the 21st century could win sizeable votes as neither blast from the past party Labour (Nationalisation) or the Conservatives (Grammar schools and a privatised NHS) have any real interest in social groups C D and E or in the 21st century.

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